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Unsplurge app review: helping you save money



Who couldn't use a little extra money in their pocket at the end of the month? The Unsplurge app is meant to help you save money so you can reach all your goals and live a comfortable life. The app uses three simple steps that help you save and there are no budgets used. It’s hard to believe you can save without a budget, but that’s exactly what Unsplurge walks you through.

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Unsplurge - save money with a frugal & thrifty lifehacker


Keeping You on Track and Motivated

This app is all about keeping you on track where savings are concerned and by helping to motivate you by showing you how your friends are doing with their own saving. You can all cheer each other on and inspire each other to meet your financial goals.

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The app uses a very simple process and approach to saving. You begin by setting your own personal goal which is something you want to save for. It could be a brand new coat, maybe a new piece of furniture for your home, or bigger yet. Then again maybe you don't want to buy something but want to pay off something by paying your debt. The goal is completely up to you.

Next you're going to be building a brand new habit which is actually logging your savings each and every day into the app. It can be a small amount saved or a large amount; this is about creating a habit. Keep this habit going and you will be able to see the results as will others who will want to congratulate you.

When you do manage to reach your savings goal you can then share your success with the whole Unsplurge community and feel great for your achievement.


Smooth, Simple, and Inspiring

I would describe the user interface in this app as smooth, simple, and inspiring. It really manages to hit all the high notes by providing a lovely design that makes saving even more rewarding. I love that the app refers to itself as your wallet’s BFF because it’s true: it’s catchy, and if used correctly, you can see some incredible results from your new BFF.

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You need to sign in through Facebook or with email and then you are ready to begin. There are all kinds of cool features inside such as being able to pick a couple buddies that will offer you encouragement throughout. I also love that you can see other goals from the community which helps to motivate and inspire you.


Unsplurge - save money with a frugal & thrifty lifehacker


Pros and Cons


  • Very simple to use
  • Lovely, clean, uncluttered user interface
  • Community members will help to motivate you to save and you can do the same back
  • Set your own personal goal and view your progress the whole way



  • There is no budget to set up
  • Doesn’t actually help you figure out the savings and where it’s coming from; rather, it just shows your overall progress


Final Thoughts

The Unsplurge app is meant to help keep you motivated while you save for your goal. This isn’t meant to be a budget planner or offer solutions to your financial savings and goals.


Unsplurge - save money with a frugal & thrifty lifehacker

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