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Impossible Math app review: How fast and how good are you at math?



I will be honest with you. I love me some math. I would always try to solve a problem, be it calculating a tip or some simple calculations, on the top of my head without using a calculator. I thought that my math was pretty good, but I was tested for the first time in a long time today, when I played the game Impossible Math by Eyad Ayesh. I absolutely failed, but I did feel my knowledge was trained. The concept of the game is so simple, and uses another gameplay element from popular recent games: when you make a mistake, it’s Game Over. Impossible Math is developed for both iPad and iPhone and is just over 7 MB. The game is available completely free in the App Store right now.

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Impossible Math



Gameplay is simple: you get to see a simple math problem, like "1 + 1 = 2," and you will have to decide if the answer is right or wrong. This sounds very easy, but you will have to make a decision within a second, otherwise it’s Game Over. There are no exceptions. For example, you can get some fairly easy problems shown in the first few levels, but then suddenly 11 + 13 is put in front of you, and as this is more than two digits, you might get confused, stressed or simply too excited and you might press the wrong button. This game has nothing to do with knowing the right answer, as I think everyone can do the sums in this app, but simply about being able to process information quickly.

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Graphics and Sound

My review of this app can be very brief. Look at the screenshots in this review and you will know everything there is to know about the graphics and the sound in this app. It’s not much, but it’s clean and nothing more is needed. The game does offer three levels of difficulty, which is a nice change. Each level is a lot more difficult than the last and I really struggled with the highest level, as you will be very prone to make a small mistake calculating, rather than failing due to pressure. 

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It seems easy
It seems easy

Impossible Math


Pros and Cons


  • Really fun to play
  • Great to train your math as well as your reaction time
  • Clean layout



  • No sound or graphics


But it is hard!
But it is hard!


Impossible math is not as impossible as it sounds, but does offer some pretty good training for those who want to improve their math skills as well as their reaction times. I noticed that the more I played, the less stressed I got with this one-second timer. I actually feel comfortable making quick mathematical decisions now, where in the past it might have taken me longer. The game is developed for both iPad and iPhone, and is available for free. The app is just over 7 MB.


Impossible Math

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.