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Note Pass app review: send a visual message



Note Pass is an iPad and iPhone app for noisy situations where you can’t be heard or where you have to remain silent. It is a great help in noisy sports events, or when you are in church but need to be excused.

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Note Pass


Handy and Customizable

Note Pass allows the user to select from a few pre-set messages, or add your own. There are 21 visible slots, and likely many more once you have added that many messages. I have used this app so far to tell my husband I’m slipping out with the baby in church, and that I’m going to get a drink. It’s a very versatile app that can fill in where a text message would basically be wasted.

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What I like is that if you are in a noisy room, you just hold up your device for a moment to allow the person to read the screen. A simple thumbs up after that and you know they have read and understood your message. As hard as it can be to get attention from across the room, this app makes it easier because you are holding up a phone. Heck, I’ve used it at family gatherings to ask my husband for a diaper for the baby!

Main screen
Main screen

No More Note Passing

Note Pass is a versatile app that replaces note passing. As mentioned above, text messages are sometimes difficult because the person doesn’t have their phone on them, it would make a noise, or it won’t be heard. This app allows the user to wave and have the recipient read the message. Communication successful.

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This silent communication is easy, fast, and accurate. If you need to send an additional follow up message, you can easily do that as well. I would love it if I could save the templates and share it into text messages. Perhaps a future edition could have this easy transfer.

I would also love it if I could change the color of the font, the font style, or background, but again, perhaps in future upgrades. As it is, this is a small app so you can keep it on your device easily without it taking up too much space.

Message screen on portrait
Message screen on portrait

Note Pass


Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Small footprint
  • 21 slots with some presets that you can use to get started or delete all together
  • Great when text messages aren’t appropriate
  • Great in loud areas
  • Great when you must be quiet


  • No copy to text
  • No font color or style customization
  • No background customization

Message screen on landscape
Message screen on landscape

Final Thoughts

Note Pass is a great iPad and iPhone app for use in quiet places, busy places, or places where you cannot hear. It simply sends a visual message for your companion to read, and that’s it. You can hold up additional messages if necessary, and I have used it many times. I even used it through the window to check on my daughter at her new class. Overall, it would be a great app with some improvements as suggested above.


Note Pass

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