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Actor Genie app review: helping actors find work



If you're an actor who is always on the hunt for that next big gig this app can certainly prove to be helpful. The Actor Genie app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone has been created to help users find those dream roles out there by giving you all kinds of details on the New York City and Los Angeles scene. The app is constantly being updated with casting listings and is actually curated by a Hollywood Casting Director. It’s a wealth of information in one convenient location.

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Actor Genie


Be a Star

Becoming a star isn't exactly easy first you have to discover where the acting gigs are. The Actor Genie app provides users with details on available castings in Los Angeles and New York City. As mentioned this one has been created by a Hollywood Casting Director so you know you're getting the best information out there. Developed by Heidi Levitt who is known for her superb casting skills in award winning films such as "The Artist," this is meant to be a tool for professionals who work in the TV and film industry. As a fun aspect the app also includes content from directors and actors that can certainly help you on your career path.

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This app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and has just been updated so that it works faster, performs more smoothly, and there were a number of bug fixes made. It has 3.5 out of five stars from users but no customer comments at this time.

Be a Star image

How the App Helps

Of course in order for the Actor Genie to be useful it has to offer a variety of tools and features that prove to be helpful and in that sense it does a fairly good job. In this app you'll be able to check out the who's who of managers, agents, assistants, and casting directors and then find exactly how to get to their office locations. This means you won’t have to worry about being late because you couldn’t find the office.

Use the app to discover the latest information on what is being cast, there is a photo booth where you can make headshots, and you can even make your own videos that you can post on the YouTube Channel - TheActorGenie. The user interface is a bit bland and under-whelming and could do with a bit of refreshing. Perhaps the addition of some interactive or engaging tools would help.

How the App Helps image

Actor Genie


Pros and Cons


  • The app is simple to browse through
  • Discover all the latest casting news
  • Get the details on where managers’, directors’, and assistants’ offices are located
  • Make your own videos and headshots in the app


  • The user interface is a letdown

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

The Actor Genie app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone gives professional actors a quick way to find details on casting but it would be great if this actors app was more engaging and modern-looking.

Actor Genie

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