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Show Me Da Money app review

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Do you hate your job? Are you looking for motivation just to go to work? Do you just stare at the clock and countdown the minutes until your shift ends? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then check out this app. If you answered yes to all three of these questions then download this app now. Show Me Da Money app won't make your job a better one. But, it will help to keep you motivated as you see how much money you're making during your lame, boring job. This app might seem silly to some people, but to me, it was a brilliant motivator. I was able to look at my work functions and gauge how much I made per function like: answering a phone call, helping a customer, filling out work papers. When you see the money you make doing boring and uninspiring work activities, you will actually focus on making the money and not that meaningless tasks.