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Clear Vision 3 app review: breathe, aim, Fire. HEADSHOT!



Successful games are hard to find in the App Store, but some of these successful games don’t originate there. Kongregate is a website where you can play all kinds of fun independently developed games in a browser, and now you can find a lot of these games on the App Store as well. Clear Vision 3 is one of these successful games that made its way from Kongregate to the App Store, even though the first iteration of this series was only available via said website.

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Developer DPFLASHES STUDIOS never took the time to port that version to iOS devices, but part two and three are both available for iPad and iPod. Part three is the first one that is completely free.

Clear Vision 3



If you didn’t gather this from the title of the review, Clear Vision 3 is a game about sniping. You are a killer for hire and people hire you to do contracts. Some of these contracts are easy, while others are a lot harder. You accept contracts in your house, where you can also upgrade your gun and prepare yourself for the mission at hand. With your finger you control the scope. Then simply wait until you’ve got your shot lined up properly and BAM! Headshot. Another contract completed. With the money you gain from the contract you can unlock new parts for your rifle, or even a brand new (or classic) one.

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 Clear Vision 3  opening screen
Clear Vision 3 opening screen

Graphics and Sound

The graphical style for the Clear Vision series of games is easy to describe in one word: Unique. All the characters in the game are simply presented as stick men but the rest of the environments and your apartment, guns, and all other objects are almost hand-drawn. The sound of the game is realistic and adds a lot to the overall atmosphere of the game. You will have to listen carefully to the instructions for each hit, and check your environment carefully, as sometimes you will have to take distance and wind in account. The game will only allow you to use 20 energy points in one session so you will have to wait to play more.

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 Prepping for the hit
Prepping for the hit

Clear Vision 3


Pros and Cons


  • Full of content
  • Really fun to play
  • Skill and patience are a big part of this game
  • Great graphical style



  • Wait to play


Assembling my rifle
Assembling my rifle


Clear Vision 3 is a great free-to-play addition to the App Store. It has a great graphical style, fun gameplay,  and is challenging enough to keep you going on for a while. The game has 55 unique mission and tons of side quests to complete a well as fully customizable guns and upgrades. This is one of those games made popular by being available in a browser but made the step to touch screen without any trouble. The game is compatible with both iPad and iPhone. The game requires just under 80 MB, making it a perfect size for any of your devices.


Clear Vision 3

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.