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Heard Social Exchange app review



Not everyone is going to be interested in the same topics as you so wouldn't it be nice if you could bring up a topic and find the perfect audience for it? That's the basis behind the Heard Social Exchange app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. This is a relatively new release and it's meant to get your idea out there to the ideal audience that cares about the subject at hand. The app doesn’t need to use your friends or contact list so this really gives you a chance to exchange ideas in a larger way.

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Heard: Social Content Exchange


Expand Your Social Network

There’s no question about it: expanding your social network can be difficult if you’re looking for people with particular interests. The Heard Social Exchange app is perfect for exactly this kind of situation getting your ideas out there to the audience that cares about it. What's great is that the audience can be massive or it can be a single reader, it really doesn't matter. What's great is that all this content matching is done automatically so you don't have to do a thing. And because the content is always changing, the matching is always fresh for each topic.

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The app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and because it's a new release it doesn't yet have any updates or a customer rating. You will find customer comments however with users who are really liking what it has to offer.

Expand Your Social Network image

Be Heard

This is your chance to really be heard by the correct audience thanks to the Heard Social Exchange. You can literally open any posts you like to check out the content that appeals to you, view comments, and stats. The app also uses its own icon badge system so that you know that these are real people posting these comments. As well these icons give you such information as who created it, what kind of post it is, and what is happening with it. Creating a post is quick and easy and you can make it as short or long as you like.

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The whole experience is one that is really dynamic and unique. Each time you visit the app the content is always different, you’re going to read different comments, and basically your experience changes each and every time. The user interface is a great reflection of how unique the app is as it is smooth, modern, and very cool.

Be Heard image

Heard: Social Content Exchange


Pros and Cons


  • The user interface is modern, vibrant, and cool
  • The experience feels unique each time you use the app
  • Posting is very quick and easy
  • You can comment on others’ posts


  • Since this is a new app it’s obviously still catching on and building its user base

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

The Heard Social Exchange app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a really great way to reach target audiences. This app feels unique and as though it’s got a real spot in the social networking realm.

Heard: Social Content Exchange

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