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Fitly Simply app review: track your steps and earn achievements



Fitly Simply is a pedometer app for iPhone that allows you to track your steps, earn accomplishments, and compete with friends on Game Center. It is a very simple app that does one thing really well.

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Fit Simply - Pedometer to Watch your Steps


Walk Your Way to Health

Fitly Simply is a simple app to help you walk your way to health. The more walking you do, the healthier you are, just because you are more active. The app sets a goal of 1,000 steps to start, and you are to work your way up to 10,000 steps. If you earn 2,000 steps, you get 2/10, and if you earn all 10,000 steps, you will get 10/10.

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This app also allows you to turn on the notification bubble to track your count if you want to see it without having to click the app itself. Plus, there are lots of sharing options, and inviting friends through Game Center is super easy, because there’s a button right in the settings! Just click it, select your share method, and you’re done!

How to play
How to play

View Your Progress

Fitly Simply allows you to view how many steps you’ve taken over the past week, and how many you’ve taken today. You can view the challenges you’ve completed to achieve level one through 10, and then you can unlock the additional hidden levels.

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Fitly presents your progress right on you notification center and keeps track of your progress automatically. Once you’re signed in, if the app is turned on, you’re tracking. This means that you have to remember to click it, or not to shut it off, but still super easy compared to apps that want you to click start and stop all the time.

The counter screen
The counter screen

Fit Simply - Pedometer to Watch your Steps


Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Easy to use
  • Tracks on its own
  • Motivates you to walk further to achieve higher goals


  • None found

Levels to achieve
Levels to achieve

Final Thoughts

Fitly Simply is an easy-to-use, simple app that tracks how many steps you take in a day. It synchronizes with your Game Center account to compete with your friends, allows you to share and invite players easily, and shows up in your notification center so you can easily view your progress. The score is shows simply on a dial giving you a grade out of 10, and the first goal is 1,000 steps. When you reach 100, you will earn 1 on the dial, and so on. Overall, the app will help you stay motivated, is fun to use to earn achievements, and includes hidden trophies so that you can continue searching for more goals. Unlike other apps, you don’t have to turn it on and off, just start it up and keep it in your multi-tasking tray and you’re ready to go! Walk, run, jog: the app doesn’t care.


Fit Simply - Pedometer to Watch your Steps

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