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Discovery Kids app review: Learn in Spanish and Portuguese



Discovery Kids is an iPhone and iPad app that teaches kids about a variety of topics to engage them in learning. The videos provided are interesting to kids, so they want to keep coming back for more.

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Discovery Kids



Discovery Kids is a multi-lingual app. When you first open it, you will be asked to choose Portuguese or Spanish. There is not an English option, but there is an English version of the app. Once you select the language of choice, your child can enjoy the videos in their mother tongue, or enrich their Spanish learning from school.

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This is beneficial for kids who are learning Spanish at school, because young minds are like sponges. The more they hear the language spoken, the faster they pick it up. If you want your child aged two to six to learn a language and be multi-lingual, then this is a great way to do so, and I have several French learning videos at my house to help my children learn Canada’s alternate language.

Entry set up screen
Entry set up screen

Free or Purchase

There are five free videos, but if you’d like to purchase more learning videos on topics ranging from spelling, art, music, exploration, and even karaoke, then these are available at $0.99 each. It’s not a lot to pay, so if there’s a topic that interests your child, why not. If you like a song you pay $0.99 to hear it on your device too.

There are presently six additional activities, but there is a free version of karaoke for your child too. The purchase gets you more songs to sing. Free activities include exploring the park, the space station, and coloring as well.

I don’t speak Spanish or Portuguese, other than what Dora has taught me. This made reviewing the app a little more difficult, but I can tell you that other Discovery Kids apps I’ve reviewed have been well-developed, and that I enjoyed the English version of the app.

Sample video
Sample video

Discovery Kids


Pros & Cons


  • Free activities
  • Provided in Portuguese and Spanish
  • Enrich Spanish education for school
  • Learn in mother tongue
  • Additional activities are only $0.99 each


  • I’d have liked to have the option to switch between languages and include English so I could compare

Free section
Free section

Final Thoughts

Discovery Kids is a great app to get children who speak Portuguese or Spanish at home learning about the solar system, singing songs while reading lyrics, and more. If your child is an English speaker but learning Spanish at school, this app can help enrich their learning. There are five activities for free, and if you’d like to expand the app, additional purchases are only $0.99 for more karaoke songs, and other activities. Overall, the app is well-put-together, but I’d like to be able to switch between languages rather than only select the option once.


Discovery Kids

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