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Lexika app review: create your own lexicon



Lexika is a clever idea for an iPhone and iPad app that allows you to create your own personal lexicon full of words and phrases relevant to your areas of interest, making it ideal for students and professionals.

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I don't personally have much use for an app like this but I think the idea behind it is a solid one so if you're trying to compile your knowledge of a given subject within a single place then you might find it useful.



Launch Your Lexicon

What we have here is an interesting addition to the Productivity category of the App Store that will enable you to create your own lexicon for your personal note-taking needs, with the ability to add individual words to your lexicon for easy delineation between terms.

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When you first start using this app you'll want to have a look at some of the default lexicons that come included as this will give you an idea of what you can do with the app in order to get up and running in the first instance.

Make your lexicon
Make your lexicon

Attach Images to Entries

Once you start making your own lexicons you'll be pleased to see that Lexika allows you to attach images to your entries to make for more concise definitions, and you can even add entries from your lexicon to your Favorites list for quick and easy future reference.

What's more, there is an integrated search facility that you'll be able to use to easily find your way through your entries. This should enable you to compose a single point of reference for whatever you want to study.

Images and more
Images and more



Pros & Cons


  • Create your own lexicon for your personal note-taking needs
  • Add individual words to your lexicon for easy delineation between terms
  • Includes a handful of example lexicons to help get you up and running
  • Add entries from your lexicon to your Favorites list for quick and easy future reference
  • Attach images to your entries to make for more concise definitions
  • Use the integrated search facility to easily find your way through your entries
  • Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and French


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Word lists
Word lists

Final Words

Lexika for iPhone and iPad is well worth taking for a spin if you want to condense your knowledge of a subject into a personal database.




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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.