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Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy. app review: a productivity app to help you get your stuff done



Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy. is an iPad and iPhone organizational app that will help you to get on task and stay on task. It sets your most important task for the day at the top of your list so the rest of your day will be easy.

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Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy.


Nix Distractions

Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy. will help you to nix distractions. When you get your most important task done first, you are more likely to stay on task and achieve the less difficult tasks. For example, I always get my phone calls done first because this is an anxiety-inducing activity for me. I plain hate phones, and will put off making a call to the doctor for months because I simply don’t want to pick it up! This morning I made five phone calls to the doctor, car shop, and more so I could get down to work and achieve the rest of my list.

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Busy makes sure that your priorities are met whether you are busy or have a lighter day. There are three categories of Inbox, Important, and Later. When you create a task for your mail, you can file it into mailbox with ease, and then also give it either the heading All Tasks for everything you have on the docket, or Busy for your priorities.

How it Compares

Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy. is a great app to help you get down to work if you don’t like the built-in Reminders, however I prefer the built in. While Busy does have alerts, a busy section for priorities, and nice categories, the default Reminders app also has List options with priority settings for High, Medium, and Low before no priority is set. Busy has notifications for getting your work done, and Reminders also allows you to do this. The question is whether you want more color coding, because Busy does have additional color coding, but Reminders has more options as far as location-based alerts for calling your mom when you get home safely, or your husband when you get to your destination, and so on. It can also remind you when you leave your location to lock the house, or other tools for brain injured or forgetful people, where Busy cannot do this.

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Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy.


Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Three default categories of Inbox, Important, Later
  • Alerts to keep you going


  • Reminders is already on your device and has these capabilities and more

Final Thoughts

Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy. is a useful app for the iPhone and iPad if you don’t like the built-in Reminders app. While I appreciate the work that went into this app, Reminders is simply more powerful, so I will be sticking with Reminders.


Busy - Stop Procrastinating, Get Busy.

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