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Chemistry Calculator Pro app review: a terrific app for making chemistry calculations



Chemistry Calculator Pro is an iPhone and iPad app to help you make chemistry calculations for class, life, or work. It has a user-friendly interface and is nice to look at too, so this app is sure to please.

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Solved App - chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, periodic table and chemistry calculator


Many Functions

Chemistry Calculator Pro has molar mass, grams, and moles to make conversions during homework easy. No remembering the calculations to convert, and no messing it up when you have a handy function to do it for you. I also appreciated that the converter looks like a calculator. This gives it a user friendly feel, and the function has a number pad, multiplication, mol/g, backspace, O, C, N, Ca, Cl, H, K, Na buttons so you can create many different combinations of molecules.

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If this doesn’t suit your needs, then you can go to the full list of elements. They appear alphabetically by symbol such as Au for Gold, B for Boron, and so on. I appreciate this as one of the first things you must do in chemistry class is memorize the periodic table of elements. Once you’ve complete this simple step, jotting down molecular make up of water, and so on becomes much easier. You can understand that the H is hydrogen, and when paired with O for oxygen, you get water. That NaCl is table salt, but that Cl alone will harm you greatly.

It Does Your Homework

Chemistry Calculator Pro is such a handy app that it virtually does your homework for you. Once you get up in the higher grades for chemistry, molecular calculations become more difficult, and while doing them on paper to understand the process is still important, it is very handy to have a calculator such as this one that is powerful enough to check your work. As a teacher, I fully believe that it is important to understand the process as much as it is important to get the right answer. Once you get the process, you will get the answer correct more often, and being able to check your work with this app is great.

Solved App - chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, periodic table and chemistry calculator


Pros & Cons


  • Less expensive than a scientific calculator
  • Includes all elements in the periodic table
  • Includes molar mass, grams, and moles


  • None found

Final Thoughts

Chemistry Calculator Pro is an iPhone and iPad app that makes doing your chemistry homework that much easier. I fully believe that you must understand the process before reaching for a calculator, but once you understand the process, there is nothing wrong with saving some time either. I appreciate how easy to use this app is, and I also appreciate the care and thought that went into developing it to be user friendly but also comprehensive. Overall, it’s a great app and has more functions than a scientific calculator for less money.


Solved App - chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, periodic table and chemistry calculator

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