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CluckCluckApp app review: a child care provider app that will fill your needs



CluckCluckApp is an iPhone and iPad app that was created by two moms to manage any child care scenario. Create a list of your go-to sitters and send a message to all of them at once to get your child care set up quickly and easily.

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Contact All Your Child Care Providers At Once

CluckCluckApp allows you to create a list of all of your go-to child care providers so that contacting them is a breeze. Simply check off the providers you want to contact and you can send them a text message all at the same time. Your sitter can access the profiles you create for each child with your permission, and send out one-touch updates to you on tasks such as feedings and naps. If, for example, you are at work and you have only just left your child for the first time, or if they’re sick, you can get your provider to use the app to notify you of their activities. It is a comfort to any parent to know what is going on and that their child is well-cared-for.

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Security is Top Notch

With your children’s information you want to make sure that the security is top notch, and CluckCluckApp has made this so. The parents are always in control of who can access information about each child, as well as the family’s emergency contact information. You can also turn access on for an occasional sitter, and back off when they go home so that they have the info when needed, but then the info is hidden again.

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I appreciate what the developers were trying to do with this app, and like how easy it is to use. It only took a couple minutes to get the app set up, and then I tested it with my husband to turn the info on and off. It felt secure, and the app did create a feeling of security with my providers having the information they need at hand.



Pros & Cons


  • Your provider has all the information they could possibly need
  • Your provider can send you updates securely and directly to your profile
  • You can pay your provider directly through the app using the PayPal integration


  • Only available in the U.S.

Final Thoughts

CluckCluckApp is an iPhone and iPad app that will simplify your child care provider needs. You can create a family profile with details pertaining to each child, and then share it with your provider by tapping the toggle. If the provider is an occasional provider, then unclick the toggle when they’re gone. If regular, leave it checked. You can also pay your provider directly from the app and not have to go to the ATM on the way home. This is a great modern option for parents of the U.S. Being in Canada, it doesn’t help me, but perhaps it will come to Canada soon. Overall, it seems like it's a promising app.



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