Chess Hotel is a chess app iPhone game game that will help you to play chess in real time. Start playing with friends, practice your tactical moves, and learn new strategies all in this Chesshotel app for iPhone and iPad.
The best board game apps for iPhone and iPad
Let's dig deeper into what this chess game offers through our Chesshotel app review. Who knows, it could just be the best chess app that you have come across.
Play Chess with Friends
Chess Hotel will have you playing chess with your real-life friends, or you can find new friends through your account.
Best iphone and ipad appsYou may have already played chess through the site, and if so, your statistics, ranking, and friends will carry over to your device. This is great because it means you don’t have to start over again!
If you are new, you can search and invite friends through Facebook, Chess Hotel, or by finding a random opponent in the memberships. I have always enjoyed the game, and am always on the lookout for a Chess app that I can play easily but also with friends.
Many I’ve tried have been awkward to move the pieces; some are so tiny that it’s really difficult to touch the right space, but this app moves a lot more smoothly.

Chess Hotel has a lot of great features. You can play live games where you’re waiting for the opponent to make a move, or correspondence where the move is not as instant. You can also challenge your Facebook friends which opens up a whole group of people without inviting them to the app by email.
Each game you play will increase or decrease your rating and statistics immediately, so you will always know where you stand.
Some extra features of the chess app are the chat function. So if you’re playing with someone you don’t know, you can send a message to get to know them, or ask them what made them think of that move.
I already mentioned that you can add, challenge, and play Chess Hotel friends, and that there’s a fast matching function to set you against an opponent of similar ability.

Pros & Cons
- Free
- Syncs your account so your ranking and statistics are all there
- Facebook integration
- Random opponent selector based on your ability

Final Thoughts
Chess Hotel is an iPhone and iPad game that will allow you to play chess with your friends in a great interface. You can access your Facebook friends to invite them to play with you, contact your friends list, and even get matched up randomly with opponents of a similar ability.
The app works well, is easy to use, and I love that I can play a game of Chess with my husband or son while we’re out and about. I have always enjoyed playing, and was even in the Chess Club for a while. This app does the trick for me, and I’ll be suggesting it to my chess loving friends.