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DIY Lake Science app review: teaching children about freshwater ecosystems



Educational apps that can teach kids fundamental scientific facts about our environment are a great way to help our children become conscientious and worldly citizens. We all have to do our part to ensure the sustainability of our planet and it’s a good idea to ingrain this way of thinking in our children as early as possible.  DIY Lake Science is a great comprehensive educational app that is designed to teach our children all about fresh water ecosystems. With the shortage of fresh water being so common in so many parts of the world this is a great app to introduce children to the importance of conservation. This is a free app and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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DIY Lake Science


Freshwater and Conservation

There are lots of educational apps available for download from the app store, but most of these are geared towards teaching children language and math skills. There are also some apps that are designed to help children learn historical facts, but there aren’t very many devoted to teaching children about the environment that surrounds them every day. That’s what makes DIY Lake Science unique. This app includes lots of great tools to help your children learn all about environmental issues affecting the planet.

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While this is generally a pretty comprehensive app it does have some minor issues. The most glaring of these is that the main screen is a little confusing at first. There’s a lot of good information here it’s just not presented in the best format. A good introductory video or walkthrough to start off the app would really help in this case. There’s no real help section to turn to either although each separate section of the app does have its own simple instructions that makes the app pretty easy to follow. This app will require 187 MB of available space on your iOS device.

How it Works

This app has a very down-to-earth feel to it: with earth tones and some basic tools that kids might use in making crafts as a background it’s definitely appealing to young children. There’s a brief introductory paragraph on the main page along with three main sections: under the lake, activities, and videos. The under-the-lake section lets your child explore a lakes ecosystem under different environmental factors and also provides audio explanations of what your child is viewing. The activities section is full of great activities that will assist your child in his or her quest to understand how a lake’s ecosystem really works, and the videos section includes some great videos to reinforce these lessons.  

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DIY Lake Science


Pros and Cons


  • User-friendly interface
  • Excellent lake environmental simulator to introduce kids to a lake ecosystem
  • Great activities section
  • Exceptional educational videos


  • Instructions aren’t great
  • No help section

Final Words

Teaching kids about the environment is an important aspect of their development and DIY Lake Science is a great app to help get them started on the right path. It features excellent learning tools and a friendly environment for your kids. This one’s a must-have for any parent concerned about teaching their children to respect and help the environment. 


DIY Lake Science

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.