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ForeFlight Mobile for iPad app review


ForeFlight Mobile

Price: Free

ForeFlight Mobile by ForeFlight is a weather app that gives all kinds of necessary information for flight support.

This aviation app gives you flight support, flight planning, and electronic flight bag tools for pilots. This app is actually FAA QICP certified.

The plates and charts on the app will give pilots access to US VFR and Terminal Area (TAC) charts, 15,000 U.S. and 2,000 Canadian instrument procedures, and U.S. and Canadian IFR en-route charts. There are TruePlates and TrueTaxi procedures that are geo-referenced and you have the option to "Bring Your Own Procedures" to import your own procedures.

The airport and facility directory gives you all the information you need about major international and U.S. airports.

Other features include weather features that give you information on visibility, flight rules, HD NEXRAD composite radar, visible and IR satellite, sky coverage, lightning, wind conditions, temperature and dew-point spread, and global winds aloft.

There is so much more packed in here including fuel prices, touch planning and moving map, flight plan filing, comments, and a download manager.

The app takes a professional approach with its user face with the goal of being fast and easy to navigate through.

ForeFlight Mobile was updated by Feb. 13, 2013 and currently has 15 customer ratings with an average rating of four out of five stars.

Because I'm not a pilot it's hard for me to comment on the content but what did stick out to me was the fact that the information given is all official and provided by various government agencies. This means you can count on the information being accurate and up to date.

For: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad with iOS 5.1 or later

ForeFlight Mobile EFB


ForeFlight Mobile EFB


ForeFlight Mobile EFB

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