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Law of Attraction Hypnosis by Mindifi app review: clear your mind and achieve even your wildest dreams-2020



This is a hypnosis app which is based on the principles of the Law of Attraction, with the aim being to enable you to manifest your own reality based on the things you really want and the people you truly want to surround you in your day to day life so that you can achieve far greater happiness overall.

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Unless and until there can be some proof or empirical explanation of the Law of Attraction, I will have to remain extremely skeptical of its claims. Having said that, I would like to review this app for hypnosis with an open mind so that you can know exactly what to expect before downloading this law of attraction app. Is this the right mindifi app for you?

Law of Attraction Meditation


Design Your Own Reality

As standard, Law of Attraction Hypnosis by Mindifi - The Secret Power to Attract Desires comes with one audio track for free which is entitled “The Law of Attraction.”

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This track is a little over thirty minutes long and my understanding of it is that it will enable you to relax and clear your mind so that you can focus on the things you truly want to achieve in life, manifesting your own reality and reaching greater heights than you ever thought possible.

There are other audio tracks available with titles such as:

  • Attitude of Gratitude;
  • Attract Love- Soulmate;
  • Attract Money;
  • Law of Attraction Action;
  • Law of Attraction for Others;
  • Mindful Attraction;
  • Natural High Attraction Booster;
  • Releasing Guilt;
  • Attract Health; and
  • Upward Spiral.

These are available via in-app purchase but I would definitely recommend checking out the free track to see what you think before purchasing anything further.

This app for hypnosis greatly enhance your mood and can help you to breeze through situations that normally would cause you more worry. The mindifi app helps you wind down after a long day and puts you in a very peaceful place.

Design Your Own Reality image

Be Who You Want to Be

These tracks are all based around increasing your mindfulness of various areas of your life so that you can reach further and unlock the door to greater successes wherever you feel you might desire it.

The track I’ve listened to contains a very soft and soothing male voice which guides you through the relaxation and meditation process. There is also a relaxing ambient soundtrack which plays gently in the background to accompany the high-quality looping beach scene which is displayed on the screen.

Be Who You Want to Be image

Law of Attraction Meditation


Pros and Cons


  • Extensive meditation tracks based around the Law of Attraction
  • First thirty minute track is included free of charge
  • More tracks available via in-app purchase
  • Soothing audio with a gorgeous beach visualization in the background


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

While I don’t give the Law of Attraction any credibility as a whole, I do think that calming the mind and developing a greater level of mindfulness is vitally important to living a happier and more fulfilling life.

My advice would be to spend some time every day thinking about the people and things you are more grateful for, as well as looking forward and thinking about what you want and what you may need to do to achieve it.

Law of Attraction Meditation

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.