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Galaxy At War Online app review: a space combat strategy game



Free-to-play strategy games are one of the most popular games in the App Store, not because they’re so fun, but simply because the monetization for these games are easy to implement by the developers. "Just make the consumers wait while stuff is being built and they will get so sick of this that they will pay to speed things up." This becomes especially profitable when you add an online component. Nobody likes to lose, and especially if this happens after you’ve waited a few days to build up your army. Developers Sphinx Entertainment decided they also wanted a slice of this pie and developed Galaxy at War Online, an online Science Fiction strategy game for iPhone and iPad. 

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Galaxy At War Online



Gameplay is exactly how you would expect. When you start out you will receive a certain amount of resources to build up a base and then the actual game begins. You will be spending your resources that you will receive for completing mission on expanding and upgrading, which in return will give you access to bigger and better ships. Building these ships of course takes time, and upgrading and expanding your base won’t be free either, so before you know it you will be sucked in and waiting for that push notification that your next order is ready. To be honest, this game doesn’t feel like it is constantly forcing you to spend real money, but of course, the option is there and always available.

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The screen shot 1
The screen shot 1

Graphics and Sound

The art style of the game is not bad. It looks like you would expect a science fiction strategy game would look like, and all the art looks like you’ve seen it before. The base screen looks pretty and 3D. The space combat is pretty underwhelming, where you see the two battling fleets firing at each other while the health bars of the ships steadily go down. The art of the characters who tell the story is quite cool and stands out above the blandness of the in game graphics. The sound is nothing special either, so expect a lot of lasers and metal-building sounds.


My Base
My Base

Galaxy At War Online


Pros and Cons


  • Persistent online world
  • Make alliances with friends
  • Tons of content and quests
  • Not necessary to buy in-game currency with real money



  • Bland graphics and sound
  • Lose your army to better players


Production options
Production options


The concept of Galaxy at War sounds really good. The actual game, however, is 13 a dozen and it will feel like you’ve played it before. The graphics of the game are mediocre and the sound is pretty boring. You need to be always online when you play this game, and the chance you will lose your army against better players is quite high. The app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone and is just under 50 MB, though assets need to be loaded while you play online.


Galaxy At War Online

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.