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WolframAlpha Viewer app review: the perfect way to enhance your experience of Siri and learn more about the world around you



WolframAlpha Viewer is a iPhone and iPad app which was made to function in tandem with Siri and bring you the powerful and unique search engine of Wolfram Alpha.

For those of you who have been living under a rock, Wolfram Alpha is unlike other search engines such as Google and Bing. Rather than using algorithms to comb through the Internet, this search engine uses data curated by the software within Wolfram Alpha.

This means that this app will provide you with the answer you are looking for by assimilating all the information it finds and thinks is relevant rather than giving you a list of web results for you to search for the answer yourself.

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WolframAlpha Viewer


A New Way To Search And Learn

Based on your search criteria and input, WolframAlpha Viewer will produce an answer. Although it is usually inclined to give scientific and mathematical data more often than not, you can modify the nerdy assumptions made by this app.

For instance, if you type in Mars and the app gives you information about the planet, you can change the assumption it has made and instead ask it to give you information on the brand name.

The app can be launched directly from Siri along with a detailed view of your query results. When you get your search result, you can tap once on it to get some additional details on the subject.


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WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 1
WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 1

Customize Your Search Results

Furthermore, related queries can also be found if you wish to expand your knowledge on the subject of the original search. For instance, a search result of Mars the planet can give you further information on other planets of our solar system. Or, a search result on Mars the candy bar can help you find information on other candy bars.

I think this app is a marvel of technology and truly demonstrates how far the human race has come. Even a few years ago, it was hard to conceive, outside of science fiction, that asking a device a question such as “How many calories are in a small apple?” or “What is the scientific name of a llama?” would produce the result in front of your eyes within seconds.


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WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 2
WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 2

WolframAlpha Viewer


Pros & Cons


  • Experience one of the coolest technological developments of our time
  • Input data by speaking directly into Siri
  • Get further information on your search result by tapping on it
  • Change the assumptions made by the app



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 3
WolframAlpha Viewer screenshot 3

Final Words

Whether you are interested in the sciences, or culture and linguistics is what floats your boat, WolframAlpha Viewer is a great knowledge resource. I will go as far as to say that it is perhaps one of the best iPhone and iPad apps to hit the App Store.


WolframAlpha Viewer

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.