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Creative Writing app review: Tons of information that can help develop your creative writing



Not every person has the ability to write a story or an interesting piece of text. Some people are born with this skill, while other people acquire this skill through training in school. Other people, who dreamed of writing a novel or a book, or need to learn creative writing professionally, might take a course to help them develop this skill. For some, the App Store is the solution to improving their creative writing skills. Developer John Higgins has developed a free app, called Creative Writing, that can help you with your creative writing talents. This app is available for both iPad and iPhone.

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Creative Writing


What does the app have to offer?

This app is developed to help you with your creative writing, but most importantly, it’s been developed to help the developer make some money. Of course, the developer offers you a lot of good tips about creative writing, but there are so many ads in the app that you will see one once every few seconds. Topics that the app delivers are divided in categories, such as “How to learn the Art of Creative Writing” to “Writing a Book” and “Applying Neuro Linguistic Method in Creative Writing” (Notice the grammar mistake, which should not be in any app about writing). The app now comes with two bonus books, giving you more information about how to publish a book after you finished it, with one specifically aimed for Amazon.

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The menu
The menu

App design

I have to give credit to the developer for the app's design. They really have designed a nice looking and easy to use app. Even though most of the information is plain text in a simple reader, the menu of the app is very original and works really well. The menu looks like a little carousel that you turn around in 3D, meaning you can see the other options shine through behind the selection you are looking at. One downside is that the app only offers information. There is no way to do exercises or have your writing checked by anyone. This would make the app worth more.

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Creative Writing


Pros and Cons


  • Great app design
  • Tons and tons of good information
  • Two free books


  • The ads really spoil the use of this app



Due to the excessive use of adds, I can't recommend this app to anyone interested in improving their creative writing skills. When the developer tones down the ads or completely removes them (or even give me a paid option to remove them) I will actually recommend this app. There’s only information to be found, but there's a lot of great information. The app is developed for both iPad and iPhone and weighs approximately 5.5 MB. The app is available for free.


Creative Writing

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.