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Countdown - Star Wars: Episode VII Edition app review: only for people who are excited



Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises in the world, but also one of the hardest ones to get right. Over the years many people have tried to get close to the feeling that the first three movies (episode IV, V and VI) gave the fans, but not many have succeeded. The last time anyone tried to make a movie trilogy must have been around 10 to 15 years ago and it wasn’t really the success that the creators nor the fans hoped.

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Now there is a new movie in the works, the first part of a new trilogy set after the events of the last one. Developer Vertebit LLC, known for making all kinds of countdown apps, has created Countdown - Star Wars Episode VII Edition, an app that will exactly tell you when the next movie will come out. The app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone and is just over 10 MB.

Countdown - Star Wars: Episode VII Edition


What it Offers

As the name of the app might already tell you, this app simply offers you a countdown timer that will end at the (estimated for now) release of the movie. Luckily, this app has a lot more to offer than just this. On top of this timer, the app also shows a full video breakdown of every video that was created about Episode VII as of yet, and you can watch all of them in the app. There is also a photo page, but this for now is a bit underpopulated with only three photos. 

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Countdown screenshot 1
Countdown screenshot 1

Star Wars Quiz and Community

One of the last things I want to share about this app is that it contains a Star Wars Quiz. This is a great way to check up on your Star Wars knowledge and see if you’re still up-to-date. All the questions are based on the six movies that have already been released and don’t go further than that. Don’t expect any questions about the expanded universe here. There is also a lively community behind the app that is always talking Star Wars. This community is accessible from within the app.

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Countdown screenshot 2
Countdown screenshot 2

Countdown - Star Wars: Episode VII Edition


Pros and Cons


  • It’s free
  • A lot of content right there in the app
  • Star Wars Quiz!
  • A full community app



  • Almost two years before the movie comes out


Countdown screenshot 3
Countdown screenshot 3


In my humble opinion I think it is a bit too early to start counting down to the release of the next big movie in the Star Wars universe. The release is simply too far away and so many things can still go wrong that it would be foolish to already pin a date on the release of the movie. The app itself is full of fun content and is definitely a must-have download for any Star Wars fan. This is the app you’re looking for! The app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone.


Countdown - Star Wars: Episode VII Edition

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.