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Social Recall app review



How many times have you started to speak to someone while you search in vain through your memory trying to remember their name? The Social Recall app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone can be used for your own personal contacts or business contacts. Thanks to this social networking app you’ll be able to avoid those embarrassing situations where you either can’t remember the name or you call them by the wrong name. The app is meant to train your memory and really boost its ability to remember names.

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Social Recall: Remember the Name of Friends & Business Contacts (Solo & Multiplayer Quiz)


A Combination Tool

The Social Recall app isn't a phone book or contact directory; what the app actually is is a combination of a brain trainer, trivia game, and even bragging tool. The app is all about challenging your friends and co-workers to basically name that face. You will be able to use your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Before long you’ll find you’ll be able to correctly name all the contacts in each of your social networks, which is a pretty impressive skill. Bragging rights can be shared when you compare just how well you did with your friends.

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The app has recently been updated so that it no longer contains any in-app purchases, so you'll be able to use the full app for free. The multiplayer quiz is now unlocked when you launch the app. As well a number of small bug fixes were made enhancing the overall performance. There is currently no customer ratings or customer comments.

Play solo or challenge your friends
Play solo or challenge your friends

Play the Game and Train your Brain

The way the app works is that you start by importing your contacts from Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Next you decide which friend it is you want to challenge, and then edit the contact details so it tests your friend on the contacts they would know. Of course you'll also want to train and quiz yourself so that when a friend sends you a challenge you'll be prepared.

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You'll love the user interface in this app as it’s smooth, sleek, and very engaging. I really enjoy that you've got a couple of different "gameplay modes," you can view your statistics, and you can even see how many times you've appeared in your contact's names. This is a really fun way to work on improving your memory as well as ensure you don’t make those embarrassing mistakes when you call someone by the wrong name.

Climb the Leaderboards
Climb the Leaderboards

Social Recall: Remember the Name of Friends & Business Contacts (Solo & Multiplayer Quiz)


Pros and Cons


  • Gives users a way to train their brain in a fun way
  • Play on your own or challenge a friend to a trivia game
  • You will be tested on your own contacts
  • View your statistics
  • A wonderfully modern user interface
  • There are no in-app purchases necessary


  • There had been some bugs, which appear to have been fixed

Choose the mode of your game
Choose the mode of your game

Final Words

The Social Recall app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a fun way to work on training your brain and quizzing yourself and your friends when it comes to the people you know.


Social Recall: Remember the Name of Friends & Business Contacts (Solo & Multiplayer Quiz)

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