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Jurappic for Jurassic Park app review



If you're anything like me, then the first Jurassic Park movie likely marked the beginning of a love affair with the world of prehistoric creatures. Jurappic for Jurassic Park is an app for the iPhone and iPad that can help you stay up to date on the events of this incredible dinosaur franchise.

This app is available in the News section of the App Store, where you can purchase it for just $2.99. It will give you access to news stories, guides, videos, photographs, and plenty of material to re-ignite that nostalgia as well as kindle the flames of the dino world from the palm of your hand.

Let's take a look at its features.

Jurappic for Jurassic Park


User Interface & Layout

Jurappic for Jurassic Park will cost you $2.99 and downloads quickly over a WiFi or 3G connection, taking up just 25.6 MB of space on your iOS device. All the media on this app is streamed, so you'll definitely require a solid connection if you're to use it optimally.

The app features a fairly basic user interface which definitely gives it a simple look and feel with five icons at the bottom of the screen which can be used to navigate between the various sections, which are News, Podcast, Movie Guide, Book Guide, and More.

The highlight of this app, in my opinions, is the vast collection of high-quality photographs which can be used as wallpapers on your iPhone or iPad.

News items
News items


In the News section, you'll find all the latest news related to this franchise, all provided by JP Forever, a fan-based website and YouTube channel that is dedicated to providing people all over the world with all things Jurassic Park.

This also features the Jurassic Cast Podcast which features interviews hosted by BamSam and Jack, the founders of the site. Interviews have eminent guests who have played significant roles in the development of the franchise including authors, actors, and the crew from the movies and books.

You'll also find all the Videos from the JP Legacy YouTube Channel in the More section along with links to the trailers and even the full movies! Other items include movie polls, dinosaur polls, and access to the JP Forever website right from within the app.

The Movie Guide section contains information in text form of all the movies complete with the poster, release date, rating, plot line, and options to share this information with your friends and family on social media networks.


Jurappic for Jurassic Park


Pros & Cons


  • Get the latest news on the Jurassic Park franchise provided by the JP Forever website
  • Listen to all the episodes of the Jurassic Cast podcast and discover interviews with the cast and crew of the movies along with other eminent people who have facilitated the franchise
  • Get the complete guide to the Jurassic Park movies and books which can be shared on social media with just a few taps
  • Access the JP Forever website, look at movie polls, dinosaur polls, and much more


  • There is nothing negative to say about this app

Full movies and more
Full movies and more

Final Words

If you like to follow the Jurassic Park franchise then Jurappic for Jurassic Park is a must-have on your iPhone or iPad, as it'll bring everything you need to know and then some to your fingertips. Highly recommended!


Jurappic for Jurassic Park

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Neha Sinha

Neha has been writing and editing since 2010 and has been reviewing iOS apps since early 2014. She has lived in four different countries and loves having the world at her fingertips thanks to these awesome apps.