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99 Challenges! app review



Platform games have been and will always be one of the most played genres on any platform. 99 Challenges! accepts this and literally runs with it, as the developer Pine Entertainment has developed a game for both iPad and iPhone that is not only really hard, but will keep challenging you and add more elements to the mix to keep you interested long enough. You will need to practice the 99 levels of the game and you will die and start over again and again. The beauty of the game lies in its simplicity, which is showing throughout the presentation and the gameplay of the game. The game itself weighs in at just over 25 MB and offers at least a few hours of guilty platforming pleasure. 

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99 Challenges!



As mentioned in the introduction, this platform game excels in its simplicity. You only have to worry about one thing, jumping, as the little ninja character will run on its own accord. You will have to time these jumps perfectly, as the little ninja will never stop running and when you touch an object it’s game over and time to start again. You will only have to restart the challenge you are doing and even though they will get harder ever level, they are never impossible and there is always a perfect line to follow. The game has a counter that keeps the amount of tries per level, and the total amount of tries. As the game progresses, you will get better at timing your jumps but believe me, you will die over and over again, which is where half the fun of the game lies.

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Challenging gameplay
Challenging gameplay

Graphics and Sound

Both the graphics and the sound of the game are very basic but this is good for the game. It really makes the whole simplistic style come together really well and has one other huge thing going for it: there are virtually no loading times. You will die and instantly be allowed to play again, making this game perfect for the shorter gameplay sessions while you are in a line somewhere or on a short commute.

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99 hard levels to complete
99 hard levels to complete

99 Challenges!


Pros and Cons


  • Simple gameplay, graphics and sound
  • No loading times, making it perfect for the shortest gaming sessions


  • The game might get a bit boring due to the simplicity and the difficulty

Very addictive
Very addictive


Even though this game is a fantastic little platforming game with a ton of levels and challenging gameplay, the game will also become boring due to this reason. The later levels get so difficult that you will be trying over and over again and at one point probably throw your device through a window. If you are a perfectionist like myself you will persevere, but not without a finger that hurts, a lot of retries, and a lot of swearing. The game is compatible with both iPad and iPhone and is just over 25 MB.


99 Challenges!

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.