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iTooch French as a Foreign Language app review



For most people mastering their first language can be quite a process but by the time they are of middle school age they are likely to take on their next language. The iTooch French as a Foreign Language app for your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad gives users a wonderful place to get started or even a study buddy and companion tool to language lessons. This app features more than 1,700 exercises all aimed at helping users learn French. You can work through it at your own pace and on your own schedule, unlike a traditional class. It's one of the better French apps for kids and adults. 

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iTooch French as a Foreign Language


Get Ready for the DELF Exam

This app isn't just a casual look at the French language by using iTooch French as a Foreign Language you'll be able to prepare yourself for the DELF exam (level A2-B1) so you can pass with flying colors. It can be used by anyone but it's ideal for high school students, middle school students, and employees who need to be able to enhance their listening, reading, and writing comprehension skills. It should be noted that there is no English portion(s) of the app; it's all French. That means there is no translation of any kind.

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Its most recent update was a few months ago and included a number of new features for those using iOS 7 such as a new user interface, the ability to adjust the font size, multiple "players" can use the app, and there is speech synthesis. Even though the app doesn't have a customer rating you will find some very glowing comments from users.

Get Ready for the DELF Exam image

It's Time to Get Started

The iTooch French as a Foreign Language app is definitely a very professional-looking and -feeling tool. From the moment you launch the app you'll feel as though you're sitting in your own virtual classroom. The app is filled with usable features that will make your life a whole lot easier. The user interface is polished and user-friendly, the app has a virtual blackboard, uses speech synthesis, and there is a summary that follows each lesson.

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This French for kids app can also be used by adults, so don't shy away. There are 58 chapters to learn, four different themes are covered (vocabulary, conjugation, grammar, and pronunciation), and there are 1,700 questions for each title.


iTooch French as a Foreign Language


Pros and Cons


  • There are more than 1,700 exercises through 58 chapters
  • This app will help users prepare for the DELF exam
  • A beautiful user-friendly user interface that is polished and sleek
  • Offers a virtual blackboard
  • The app users speech synthesis


  • It would be nice if additional features would be added

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

The iTooch French as a Foreign Language app for your iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone is a great way to prepare yourself for the DELF exam and ensure you're able to pass. This is a well-developed app that is sleek and modern.

iTooch French as a Foreign Language

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