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OzApp Reader Free app review: a collection of free magazines from all over the world



One of the big downsides of the Newsstand App in the App Store is that all of the magazines that you can find there are subscription-based, and if you find an app that you really find interesting, or like me, a few, you will be spending a lot of money on just a few magazines. In the printed media, there are tons of magazines that are free of charge, but this trend hasn’t really flown over to the digital world, until now. Developer Zhang Li has created and released OzApp Reader Free, an app that will give you access to over 1,000 free magazines from all over the world. The app, named after the fact it was designed in Australia, is compatible with both iPad and iPhone.

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What it Offers

First of all, when the app starts up, you get the country selection screen. Here you will select the country from which you want to see the list of magazines. The United States has the most different magazines with 150 and counting, but other countries are also very well-populated. Almost every language you can think of is supported, and every country has its own content list. Each country is divided up in several genres, such as Sports, Fashion, Lifestyle and other categories.

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In total, there are over 1,000 magazines, but even in the UK you can still find 80 magazines at your disposal. You can download any magazine straight to your device, and even queue up other reading material while you enjoy reading your first download.



What's the Catch?

You would think that an app like this has a hidden catch somewhere. I thought this as well, especially because there is also a paid version of the app available, charging you $2.99. I haven’t been able to see anything inside the app that would mean that you have to pay, but maybe this payment will be needed if you download a specific number of magazines. The catch is nowhere to be found in the App Store description either, but I doubt that the free app is exactly the same as the paid version.

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 Magazine list
Magazine list

Pros and Cons


  • Tons and tons of free magazines
  • Magazines from almost all countries in the world
  • Download and read offline
  • Available in many different languages



  • There must be a hidden catch somewhere


Country List
Country List


This is one of those apps that will never leave my device again, that is, until I find the hidden catch. The app design is slick, the app is easy to use, and the magazine downloads go rather quickly. The app supports many different languages and magazines from all over the world are at your disposal. The app is compatible with both iPhone and iPad, but I suggest using it on the latter for your reading pleasure. 


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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.