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Public Transport Wake app review: don’t miss your stop



There are plenty of alarm clock apps available but we've got one that is unique. The Public Transport Wake app is meant specifically for those people who use public transportation on a regular basis. The app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and is meant to ensure you don't miss your stop during your commute because you are busy napping. One of the benefits to using public transportation is that you can nap and relax but what’s not relaxing is awakening to find you’ve missed your stop long ago.

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Public Transport Wake


Wake Up on Time

If you take the train or bus on a regular basis then this app has been created for you. How many times have you found yourself dozing off on the commute only to jolt awake in fear of missing your stop? The app works by giving you a notice when you are a few meters from your stop. The app works using GPS so it can track where you are and when you are due to arrive at your stop. Keep in mind using this app in the background continuously will drain your battery faster since it is using GPS.

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This app has recently been updated to support additional languages. It requires iOS 7 to use and as of right now it doesn't have a customer rating.


Customize the app for your destination
Customize the app for your destination

Using the App

As mentioned the app uses GPS to locate where you are and then notify you when you are close to your destination. You will need to set it up to begin with so it knows what your destination is, but this is a quick and simple process. After you set it up you can save it in your favorite destinations so if it happens to be your route to work you're not going to have to keep re-setting it each morning. The app offers a few other handy features such as the ability to choose your notification tone, the ability to see the distance you have traveled so far (in miles), and it is able to run in the background so you can use other apps.

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I find the user interface to be very clean and compact in a sense that everything you need is right on-hand. I really like the fact that you can quickly view how much of your commute/trip you have already completed.


View how much of your commute is complete
View how much of your commute is complete

Public Transport Wake


Pros and Cons


  • Very simple to set up
  • Save destinations as favorites
  • Choose your notification tone
  • The user interface is clean and simple



  • There aren’t many customization features or tools


Public Transport Wake screenshot
Public Transport Wake screenshot

Final Thoughts

The Public Transport Wake app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to reliably ensure that you are alerted before you reach your stop. You won’t have to worry about nodding off to sleep and missing your stop ever again thanks to this app.


Public Transport Wake

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