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OneReader app review: rely on this app for your news



If you're tired of spending all kinds of time flipping from one news source to the next just to collect the top stories, then you need a streamlined solution. The OneReader app can be that solution for you as it offers all your news in one simple location. It doesn't matter if you like to find your news on Facebook, Twitter, or RSS; you'll get it all here through a user-friendly stream of articles with just a small excerpt from it and its title. Use this brand-new release on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone.

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Making your Life Simple

Here’s a way to make getting the news simple, quick, and very user-friendly. Let this app do all the work for you and then enjoy the stream of articles it provides you with. You set up your news sources which include Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds from all your favorite web sites. The shared articles will be shown but the others won't show up so the app stays clean and uncluttered. The app aims to make it easy to "read, share, store, and skip" the news content whenever you want, which is a very accurate description of it. It is about putting you in control of your news streams.

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The app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and as of right now there are no customer ratings or updates. It should be noted that in order to use this app you'll need an account with at least one of the following news sources:, Facebook, Twitter, Feedbin, or Feedly.


Read all the news from your social networks
Read all the news from your social networks

Included Features and Tools

There are a number of features and tools included in this app. For instance you will be able to keep track of what you've read and you will only see each article once regardless of how many times it shows up in your sources. That feature alone I appreciate so you aren't seeing the same article over and over again. As well your contacts' posts turn into comments to the stories and then you can like them, favorite them, and reply. Of course you can share any of the stories you come across and the app syncs across all your devices.

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I like that the user interface feels so clean and uncluttered but at the same time it doesn't end up terribly engaging. Sometimes it feels awfully heavy on text which can be hard to get through.


Enjoy how posts become comments
Enjoy how posts become comments

Pros and Cons


  • Offers users a way to find news from all their favorite websites and social networks in one convenient place
  • Articles only show up once regardless of how many sources they may appear in
  • Share stories
  • Personalize the app
  • Syncs across all your devices


  • The app can feel text heavy at times
  • There aren’t many added tools and features


OneReader screenshot
OneReader screenshot

Final Words

The OneReader app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone can make finding and reading the news a simple and quick experience for the user thanks to the customization tools this app offers.



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