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What’s the Plate? app review: guess the plates



What’s the Plate? ~ guess the personalized vanity plates in this brand new emoji word puzzle! is an iPad and iPhone puzzle game that presents you with a vanity license plate that you must solve the coded plate and get points. It’s fun, and reminiscent of driving across the country with your parents and playing car games.

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What's the Plate? ~ guess the phrase on each license plate in this word puzzle road trip


Old Car Game Turned App

What’s the Plate? is a fun game that is reminiscent of playing car games on cross country drives as a kid. My husband and I were remarking the other day how our kids will never know what it’s like to go for long drives without a DVD player or an iPad. We had to read or play travel-sized board games! We also got to be creative and play license plate games, and this game brings back the good memories.

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Main menu.
Main menu.

Puzzle Game

Unlike the cross country drives, What’s the Plate? is a puzzle game where in you have to solve the vanity plate code. Some people get really creative and have up to 5 words on their plates! Some examples of the puzzles are 2FAST4U, GR8APP, FUN4ALL, and they get more difficult from there.

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What I like about this app is that my younger students from about seven and up can play it. You need to have a beginning reader level to be able to shuffle the letters, however often younger readers are more adept at decoding because they have to do it for most of the words anyway! This app helps them practice those decoding skills in a more friendly way than sitting with a book and toughing it out with their pointer finger.


Puzzle solving example.
Puzzle solving example.

What's the Plate? ~ guess the phrase on each license plate in this word puzzle road trip


Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Old favorite brought to an app
  • Practice beginning reading decoding skills


  • Repetitiveness may become boring for older players


Solved puzzle with reward.
Solved puzzle with reward.

Final Thoughts

AppPicker- What’s the Plate? ~ guess the personalized vanity plates in this brand new emoji word puzzle! is an iPad and iPhone puzzle app. It’s a new take on an old car game, and that’s fun. While I enjoy having a game for the kids to play that is in this style, I would prefer if they were observing the actual surrounding cars rather than not interacting with each other. That being said, this game is fun and well-thought-out. It takes common acronyms for things today such as OMG, lol, and the numbers 2, 4, and 8 into consideration when spelling the plate sayings. If you are looking for a game to play that is quick, easy, and fun, then this game will fit your bill. If there was a two person mode, then I would recommend it for the car as kids don’t really share.


What's the Plate? ~ guess the phrase on each license plate in this word puzzle road trip

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