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Learn to Read! app review: giving kids the basic tools



Kids love being read to but then they hit the point where they are ready to take the reigns and are anxious to read themselves. The Learn to Read! app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone can set them up with the basics they need to get on their way with reading. The app is presented in a fun and engaging way and is meant for Kindergartners through to kids in Grade Two. Kids will be learning through a deck of flash cards that feature a large selection of common words that can be used as the building blocks of reading.

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Learn to Read!


Where to Start

If you've been wanting to help your child learn to read but really don't know where to start this is a perfect option. Obviously learning those common building blocks are what kids need to start with and why not do so in a fun and interactive way? For preschoolers and Kindergarten age children this is obviously an introduction to reading, whereas for older kids you can use the app more as a review to help reinforce what they have learned up to this point. The app features example usages of the words, voice prompts, and text that is easy to read.

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The app hasn't been updated in over three years with its last one being bug fixes for iOS 4.2, which is clearly pretty old now. There was also content and settings added at this time. I think this app is a great example of one that has a really good idea and concept that could score high from users but it just has been neglected thanks to years without updates. It scores just 2.5 out of five stars from users as a result.

Uses a standard list of words
Uses a standard list of words

The User Experience

What is cool about having this learning program delivered as an app is that it's portable. That means kids can learn in the car, while sitting outdoors, while waiting for an appointment, or anywhere, basically. They don't have to sit down and commit themselves to it for an hour at a time; instead, they can just play for brief periods on a regular basis.

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The list of words is a standard sight word list taken from American schools. This means 50 to 75 percent of the words are used in the school's library books, school books, magazines, and newspapers. I think the graphics are cute but they certainly won't blow you away, and the game's functionality is simple and child-friendly.

Nothing about the app stands out or feels unique
Nothing about the app stands out or feels unique

Learn to Read!


Pros and Cons


  • Features a list of common words used in American schools
  • Reading is taught through flashcards
  • Can be used by preschool age kids to grade two
  • The app is child-friendly


  • The app is suffering from a rather stagnant look and feel
  • There have been no updates in over three years
  • This one doesn’t stand out or feel unique

Learn to read screenshot
Learn to read screenshot

Final Thoughts

The Learn to Read app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way to help kids get on their way to learning how to read. I feel like this one really misses the mark and could offer so much more than it does.


Learn to Read!

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