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Siesta Testa app review



Siesta Testa is an iPad and iPhone app for convincing your over-tired child to go to bed. This app uses a mock-thumb scan to determine if your child’s battery has run low and they need to get to bed.

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Siesta Testa - Child Battery Test ▪ Good easy parenting support solution to teach and train kids for the best bed time sleep routine


A Fun Game for Tired Kids

Siesta Testa provides a mock-thumb scan to test if your child has run low on his or her battery. You set up your child’s profile with name, bed time, and up to two other sleep times. Based on how far it is from the last scheduled sleep time, the app will tell your child if his battery is running low. The only way to recharge it is to sleep!

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This app is only for pretend, but it is fun for kids. I let my six-year-old try it out, and she thought it was hilarious. I set it to scan her thumb four times, and then as it was first thing in the morning, it said her battery was almost completely full. I told her that as the day goes on, her battery would run down little by little. She asked me if that was true with wide eyes, and I told her that it was just for pretend, but at bedtime she could check how much battery was left.

Set up child
Set up child

A Make Believe Sleep Aid

Siesta Testa is not meant to be taken literally, so you can either take advantage of that, or you can explain that it is a fun game and not real. As the parent you have to decide what works best for you, but I wouldn’t suggest lying and letting them take it literally. Children are very easily influenced and could actually become worried that their battery will run out and they won’t be able to function any more.

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As long as you remain truthful to your child, this bedtime app can be great fun, and a great motivator to get your child into bed. Kids love technology, so it can be a game just like any other game that your child plays on your device. It is a great tool that my daughter loves. My two-year-old is a little young for it yet, and my eleven-year-old is too old, but my six-year-old has had a blast! I explained that it is just a game and doesn’t actually know if she’s tired, and that her body won’t shut off if her battery runs out. I actually tested it at 10:30 pm, 2.5 hours after her bed time, and the battery wasn’t completely empty. It read one percent so that means that there is never a truly ‘dead battery.’

Set bed time
Set bed time

Siesta Testa - Child Battery Test ▪ Good easy parenting support solution to teach and train kids for the best bed time sleep routine


Pros & Cons


  • Free for a limited time
  • Fun sleep motivator
  • Multiple children free for a limited time


  • May manipulate children into believing they actually have a battery

Testing completed
Testing completed

Final Thoughts

Siesta Testa is an iPad and iPhone app that allows parents to test their child’s battery to see if they need to go to bed. It is a pretend app and it uses a mock-thumb scan based on your child’s set bedtimes. Overall, this is a fun app for kids, but it can be manipulative if used incorrectly.


Siesta Testa - Child Battery Test ▪ Good easy parenting support solution to teach and train kids for the best bed time sleep routine

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