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Coupon Keeper 2 Lite app review: stay organized and save money



Couponing has become quite the craze lately so we've got an app that aims to keep all your money-saving coupons organized and close at hand. The Coupon Keeper 2 Lite app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone as a way to scan, organize, and then remind yourself about money-saving coupons. This is actually an enhanced version of the popular Coupon Keeper app features even more tools and functionality.

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Coupon Keeper 2 Lite


Save Money, Save Time, and Get Couponing

Maybe couponing hasn't ever been your thing because it seems like an awful lot of work. The Coupon Keeper 2 Lite app may just be able to change your mind about how you feel about coupons especially once you start tallying up your savings. As mentioned this app lets you scan in your coupons, store and organize them, and even set reminders so you don't end up forgetting to use them. There's no need to clip coupons out of magazines and newspapers or to manually input the details, because you're just scanning in the barcode so it couldn't be faster or easier. If for some reason it doesn’t scan properly all you have to do is manually enter in the barcode. The app actually has a massive online coupon database for you to scroll through and this database is being updated all the time.

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The app is free to use but a number of features and tools require in-app purchases. These range in price from $0.99 to $12.99 which will unlock everything. The app seems to be delivering users exactly what they want and has 4.5 out of five stars.

Scan in your coupons
Scan in your coupons

Make Use of the Tools

The Coupon Keeper 2 Lite app is just filled with features and tools all designed to make your life easier. As mentioned you'll be reminded with a notification before your coupons expire, you can keep track of all the money you've saved with the coupon statistics tool, and these statistics will automatically be updated when you mark your coupon as "used." Because some coupons will be more valuable to you than others you can rank them. Organization is simple because you can create categories and edit all the details about the coupon. Use the filters to sort your coupons by favorite level, category, name, or expiration date. You can import and export coupon data, email coupons, perform a search of your coupons, and plenty more.

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Organize and manage all your coupons
Organize and manage all your coupons

Coupon Keeper 2 Lite


Pros and Cons


  • The app is filled with tools and features
  • Scan in your coupon using the barcode
  • Organize your coupons using customizable categories
  • Search, sort, and filter your coupons
  • Rank your coupons by which ones are important to you
  • Receive notification before your coupon expires


  • A number of the tools require in-app purchases
  • Users would like to see the feature list expand further

Coupon Keeper 2 screenshot
Coupon Keeper 2 screenshot

Final Thoughts

The Coupon Keeper 2 Lite app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone could be that perfect tool you need in order to start enjoying the savings that coupons can bring. With a variety of user-friendly tools this is certainly a good place to start. 


Coupon Keeper 2 Lite

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