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NHL PrePlay app review: get in on the action



For fans of the NHL the NHL PrePlay app gives them a way to continue the action outside of just the game. You'll be able to make your own in-game predictions, answer questions, and basically take part in the action. This is meant for those die-hard fans who know and love the game and are itching to have a part in all the fast-paced action.

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Get More Out of the Game

This app gives you a way to get even more out of the game than you're already getting. It has been designed to be used with the 2013-14 NHL season. You will have your hands right in the action as you make your own live in-game predictions. Predictions can be made on just about anything like goals, hits, shots, plays, and shoot outs. Everything is covered. Even if there isn't a game that is airing, you can still have fun with the app by making pre-game picks.

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This app takes the whole viewing experience to a new level because now you’re not just watching a game; you’re investing your own predictions, thoughts, and answers in it. You will find you start watching games with a whole new appreciation and focus.

And don't worry, you don’t have to be an expert to use this app; however, by using it you may just become an expert!


Find Your Way Around

The saying of "less is more" isn’t always the case and with this app I have to say less is definitely not more. The user interface is clearly designed to be simple and easy to understand but instead I find it a bit too bare-bones. I am left searching the screen thinking there must be more options, features, or tools but there just aren’t.

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View recent, current, or upcoming games in order to make or view predictions. Like the categories you will use more often are current and upcoming. While writing this review I was lucky enough to catch a game on the TV to use the app at the same time. I get that this can be a fun way to enhance the game experience. It feels exciting because it’s all happening live but the problem is that there is no guarantee there are plenty of others on there making predictions. I do have to say though the app is fantastic as staying u- to-date and current on what is happening in the game.


Pros and Cons


  • Enhances the NHL viewing experience by giving you a role in the game
  • Real-time predictions and results
  • View recent, current, and upcoming games to make predictions



  • The user interface could do with some tweaking and enhancements to its looks and features


Final Thoughts

I think for those who are fans of the NHL the NHL PrePlay app gives them a unique and fun viewing experience. I can see this being a lot of fun to take part in with a group of friends as you all watch the game.


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