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About Herbs app review: 200 plus monographs to help you heal



About Herbs is an iPhone and iPod touch app that helps you learn how to properly  use various easily found herbs. It also includes several more in-depth herbs such as Graviola and Grifola frondosa. With more than 200 monographs, this app has a very extensive database.

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About Herbs



About Herbs has more than 200 monographs that go into the details of structure, purported uses, adverse effects, and even drug interactions. As many pharmacists are still learning how to use herbs with medications, it is often up to the patient to properly research the herbs prior to co-use with prescription medications. The app has objective information sited with references in case you need to look into a specific reaction or side effect more closely.

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What I also appreciate about this app is that there are two monographs for every herb. It not only provides a description for the everyday person, but also has a specific list of details for the medical professional to whom you may need to show the herb. Along with this, you can save favorites for easy sharing or showing to your medical professional in appointments.


Updated Frequently

About Herbs is updated weekly to include recent research and keep the monographs of the database up to date. I also appreciate that you can sync your app, but then use it offline. This allows the user to use WiFi to update and then save data later, or if you are using the app on an iPod, you don’t have to worry about your app being out of date so long as you recently signed in on WiFi.

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The developer really took pride in this app. They have had an original artist drawing of each plant for each monograph. They did not simply Google an image to use. I appreciate this as it is so easy to create a guide with Googled images these days. 


About Herbs


Pros & Cons


  • 200+ monographs with two viewing options of layperson or medical professional
  • Original drawings rather than Googled images
  • Favorites option for easy reference later
  • Email option



  • May empower people to take their health into their own hands who are not knowledgeable enough to do so


Final Thoughts

About Herbs is an iPhone and iPod touch app that is a great reference guide that includes 200+ monographs, with each written for both the layperson and the medical professionals. I appreciate that I can favorite an herb to easily reference later when I am in my appointment or talking with a friend. I also appreciate that I can email the herb and its possible counter-effects to my medical professional or anyone to whom I have suggested an herb. Herbs are plants, and as such don’t always get the medicinal respect that they deserve. People need to know to use caution, but also learn how they can take back their health.


About Herbs

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