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Hairstyles app review: no need to guess



Before you make a drastic change to your hairstyle we've got a tool that can help you decide what it is you want to do. The Hairstyles app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to check out how you'd look with a different hair color or style. It’s amazing that just a simple change can affect your look so much and of course you want that change to be a positive one, rather than one you end up regretting!

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Providing Inspiration

There is nothing worse than getting excited about a color change or style change to your hair only to find out that you’ve made a horrible mistake and now you’re stuck with something you don’t like. This app gives you a worry-free way to see how you’d look with a variety of different looks and can actually provide you with ideas and inspiration leading you in a direction you may not have even thought of. This app provides you with more than 85 different celebrity hairstyles that you can check out and try on yourself - virtually of course. Maybe you’re a fan of long thick locks like Kim Kardashian, or perhaps that beach blond look is your thing such as Cameron Diaz.

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The app is free to use however some of the features/tools require an in-app purchase. Purchases range from $0.99 to $4.99 depending on what you want to unlock. Unfortunately the app has a rather bland 2.5 out of five stars from users who seem less than impressed. The app seems to have plenty of performance issues.

Providing Inspiration image

Trying on the Styles and Colors

Of course now it’s time for the fun part: trying on all the different styles and colors as you look for that perfect hair do. When you launch the app the first think you’ll notice the hairstyles are divided into a few different categories – short, medium, long, blonde, red, brown, and all. Use this to narrow down the options. You can try these styles on the model or take a photo of yourself from within the app. The finished look can be shared with your friends and family on Facebook and you can also save it to your device. Saving it is handy if you plan on showing it to your hairstylist to have it done in real life. There are some cute extras like being able to put hats on, sunglasses, and jewelry.

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Trying on the Styles and Colors image



Pros and Cons


  • Try on all kinds of hair colors and styles
  • Take a photo of yourself from within the app so you can do a virtual makeover
  • Save the finished look to your device
  • Share the look with friends on Facebook


  • There are a number of performance issues that users have run into
  • Many of the features, tools, styles, and colors require an in-app purchase

Pros and Cons image

Final Thoughts

The Hairstyles app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone to enjoy virtual makeovers. With just a little bit of enhancing and polishing I think this can be a great offering.


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