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Inkabinka app review: a fantastic-looking news app with an interesting delivery method



I mentioned in a review earlier this week that all news apps look alike and all news apps have to find a way to stand out if they want to succeed. Half of the time this standing out is done simply by the way the news is brought to you, and which political or religious standpoint is taken. The other half it is done through design or layout, and then there still are a few apps who try to stand out by both design and delivery method. Inkabinka is one of the latter apps, as this app by the developer with the same name is simply stunning to look at and offers a new twist on news delivery. The app is designed for both iPad and iPhone and is just over 1 MB.

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InkaBinka: Visual news summaries in 20 seconds


What it Offers

So, this app delivers the news. Nothing more nothing less you would think. The beauty of this app is not solely the design of the app, as this falls in perfectly with the way that the news is presented to you. The app and the designers of the app try to follow one rule: have each article take around 20 seconds for you to read. The text of the article will not be shown to you straight away. Instead, you will get to see the photos, and the article, built upon the four most important bullet points, will appear slowly. This is actually a quite nice way to experience the news and it works really well.

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InkaBinka screenshot 1
InkaBinka screenshot 1

Does it Offer Anything Else?

Regrettably, the answer to this question has to remain no. The app does not offer any customization or any sharing features, which is a very big disadvantage for this app. If the app would have offered these features I would have praised it, but regrettably, now this app is just a great idea with beautiful design, but not interactive enough to play with the big apps in the news section of the App Store. I would suggest to the developer to add these features as soon as possible, as this would rise the app above all other ones with head and shoulders.

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InkaBinka screenshot 2
InkaBinka screenshot 2

InkaBinka: Visual news summaries in 20 seconds


Pros and Cons


  • Fantastic design blended in with great news delivery
  • Read the news within 20 seconds


  • No customization options or any sharing features



This app is probably the most promising news app I have seen during my time reviewing news apps. Not only is the news brought to you in an amazing way, you will be able to skim through the news in no time at all and you will have enough time to do other things while still being up to date with current events. The downside is that the app doesn’t offer any sharing or customization features. The app is designed for both iPad and iPhone and the app is just over 1 MB.


InkaBinka: Visual news summaries in 20 seconds

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Wout has worked in the video games industry for over 10 years and is an avid traveler. His iPad is his most trusted friend and he's passionate about keep you up to date on the latest apps and games.