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SiteClipper7 app review: cache pages for offline viewing



Are you looking for a way to cache images or pages so that you can have them available to you for offline viewing? We have a quick and simple solution and that's the SiteClipper7 app, which can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. What's also cool is that you can add CSS or unique JavaScript after you read the page. This app is all about making your life simple and setting you up for streamlined offline reading.

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Why Use the App

There are plenty of reasons this app may come in handy for you. Perhaps there are a number of images you've collected online that you want to be able to access on the go. If you're on the go you may not have an Internet connection and with this app you won't need it since you can cache those images. The same goes for pages you want to read or have read. There are three different ways you can bookmark pages, again making your life that much easier and smoother. As mentioned it's also possible to add CSS or unique JavaScript after you read the page.

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This app has recently had a few updates which include bug fixes for a better user experience and some user interface enhancements. Keep in mind this app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use. As of right now the app doesn't have a customer rating or customer comments.


A variety of user-friendly tools and features
A variety of user-friendly tools and features

The User Experience

As mentioned, to make your life easy you are given three different ways to bookmark pages. There is the image bookmark type method where you can save the pages as images and you can read them any time by reloading. It will do updates but at the same time you will be able to view the pages offline. Then there is the save the page as image method where the bookmarks are saved until you decide to delete them. This method doesn't require reloading. Lastly is the normal bookmark type where you will be able to just save the page like a normal bookmark.

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What I like about this app is that there is nothing intimidating about it. The user interface has been set up in such a way that you will have no problem navigating through the app and using the features with ease. The menus are user friendly and easy to access, and you really are given a nice variety of tools that goes further than just the basics.


View images and pages offline
View images and pages offline



Pros and Cons


  • A smooth user interface
  • A nice selection of tools and features
  • There are three different ways to bookmark pages and images
  • View your images and pages offline once they are cached
  • User-friendly menus


  • Some may be looking for more features, bells, and whistles


SiteClipper7 screenshot
SiteClipper7 screenshot

Final Words

The SiteClipper7 app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a neat and tidy way to cache pages and images that make it easy for you to view them offline.



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