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AutoVolume app review: adjust the volume with ease



How many times have you been listening to your music and it gets too loud or not loud enough? The AutoVolume app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a cool app that acts as a pocket-sized automated amplifier and limiter. This app can really come in handy to boost sounds or if you happen to be listening to your music in a loud environment and are having problems hearing it correctly. This makes it ideal when you're on a streetcar, subway, or train when noise is a factor and the levels and types of noises are always changing.

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AutoVolume ~ Automatic Volume Control


A Hands-Free Solution

The AutoVolume app acts as a hands-free solution to volume control on your mobile device. The app automatically adjusts based on the average noise level around you. You don’t have to mess with volume controls and buttons; the app takes care of it for you. Now even though it is automated there are still plenty of customization tools built into this utilities app. You can even set it to instantly lower the volume when a noise is heard such as an announcement over an intercom system so you don’t miss anything important. The app is always measuring the outside noise levels by using your device's build in microphone and then it adjusts itself according to your noise measurement settings in your profile.

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AutoVolume scores a solid 3.5 out of five stars from users. A common complaint among users is that although it performs a really handy task the app itself takes quite a while to understand and set-up properly. There haven't been any updates in almost three years now and it seems the user interface could definitely do with some cleaning up and just be made easier to use.

Let the app take care of the volume automatically
Let the app take care of the volume automatically

Get Rid of the Frustration

What I like about this app is that it gets rid of that annoying frustration of constantly having to turn up and down your music. Sometimes your hands aren't free so adjusting the volume just isn't possible. I love that this app turns it into an automated process that you no longer have to fuss with. The app will work in the background so you don't need to have it up on your screen at all times.

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Unfortunately for all its good points the fact that this one is so confusing to use really hurts it. The whole point of this app is to make your life easy so this is clearly an issue that should be addressed.

Users find the app a bit confusing to set-up initially
Users find the app a bit confusing to set-up initially

AutoVolume ~ Automatic Volume Control


Pros and Cons


  • Automatically adjust the volume of your music based on the noise around you
  • Set up your own noise parameters and measurements
  • There is no need to touch the app or do anything manually once you have it set up
  • The app runs in the background


  • The set-up process is confusing and takes quite a while
  • This app hasn’t been updated in years

AutoVolume screenshot
AutoVolume screenshot

Final Thoughts

The AutoVolume app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is an example of an app that serves a very useful purpose but unfortunately it still needs some fine-tuning.


AutoVolume ~ Automatic Volume Control

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