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Zap Zap Fractions app review



If your school-aged child is having problems with math studies before you rush out to hire an expensive tutor you may want to check out this app. The Zap Zap Fractions app can be used on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is very easy to use and takes a look at all the basics of fractions.  Of course developers know that if kids are going to stay focused on learning they need to make the app interesting so the lessons are taught in the style of a game.

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Zap Zap Fractions : Virtual Fraction Tutor


Get Comfortable with Fractions

Math can be a very difficult topic for children to get a good grasp on and if fractions are what seem to be tripping them up then there is no need to feel overwhelmed. Zap Zap Fractions takes a very easy, laid-back, and fun approach so that learning is fun and they won't end up feeling frustrated. Kids will start out with the lessons mode and as they learn each of the fractions they are then given a mission to complete. This mission is to use the parts you are being given to build a very cool spaceship.

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This app has just recently been updated with a number of bug fixes and is leaving users quite pleased. The app currently has four out of five stars and parents have commented that the enter user interface is just really fun and kid-friendly.

Work your through the lessons
Work your through the lessons

Using the App

The Zap Zap Fractions app is your virtual tutor that you can take with you anywhere you go and use any time you like. Of course it's built for kids and offers step-by-step instructions. If the child happens to make a mistake her or she will be corrected in order to learn the right answer for next time. As stated you start with the lessons and then you move on to the challenge mode where kids are given a number of practice questions to answer. It's meant to act like a live math worksheet because you're getting feedback along the way.

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In case you're wondering about the age range for this app, it is ideal for kids ages nine through 11. As soon as you launch the app you are greeted with music and you are given two options: the lesson or challenge mode. The graphics, sound effects, and music are all really cute and definitely do a great job of presented the content.

Quiz yourself with questions
Quiz yourself with questions

Zap Zap Fractions : Virtual Fraction Tutor


Pros and Cons


  • The app is easy to understand and easy for kids to use
  • Ideal for kids ages nine through 11
  • Teaches kids the basics of fractions
  • There are two different modes of learning
  • Cute graphics, sound effects, and music


  • There is nothing negative to say

Check out the results
Check out the results

Final Thoughts

The Zap Zap Fractions app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a great way for kids to familiarize themselves with fractions in a way that is user-friendly and makes sense to them.


Zap Zap Fractions : Virtual Fraction Tutor

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