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Preschool & Kindergarten Learning app review



Preschool & Kindergarten Learning Kids Games Free For Toddlers is an iPhone and iPad app to help toddlers and young preschoolers master their counting and number recognition, alphabet letters, and begin to trace letters in lower and uppercase.

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Preschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for toddler


Learn with The iPad

Preschool & Kindergarten Learning introduces your toddler or young preschooler to counting, number recognition, alphabet letters, and beginning tracing. These are the free samples, and the tracing and alphabet go to the letter C, while the counting allows your child to draw two numbers before asking you to purchase the full version. These numbers are not necessarily in order.

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What I like about this app is that it allows your child to earn points while tracing and that it has more than just a line to trace. In the numbers section your child traces from firefly to firefly and earns points in the firefly jar with correct tracing, for example.

Main menu
Main menu

Pay to Get More

Preschool & Kindergarten Learning is very limited without purchasing the add-ons. These really add up at $2.99 each, but you can purchase the full app for $9.99. This unlocks the full capacity of the number tracing, alphabet recognition, and tracing letters, and also unlocks five more activities including tracing shapes, numbers 10 to 20, and more.

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This app is very colorful, and even though my two-year-old doesn't fully get the concept and is tap-happy, she loves the vibrant colors and the characters.

My six-year-old loved tracing the letters and the boundaries are pretty wide meaning that even though her tracing is a bit sloppy the first few times it is no problem. Some other tracing learn-to-print apps are very rigid and specific as to where the tracing finger must hit the screen, but this one is more forgiving.

A is for apple
A is for apple

Preschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for toddler


Pros & Cons


  • Free trial
  • Colorful for kids
  • More fun than tracing dots
  • Forgiving tracing


  • Limited trial does not allow you to do any full activities

Printing A
Printing A

Final Thoughts

Preschool & Kindergarten Learning Kids Games Free For Toddlers is an iPad and iPhone app for helping toddlers and young preschoolers learn to count, recognize letters, and alphabet printing and recognition. These are the activities that your child can try for free, but to complete the full activity past C you must purchase the in-app add-on for $2.99 each, or $9.99 for all of them. It's pretty pricey, but to get a similar game on CD for your computer you would pay $9.99 to $20. Given that there is no disk to lose or get wrecked, this may seem more worthwhile. Overall, this is a great app, and I will watch for the full version to go free!


Preschool and Kindergarten learning kids games for toddler

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