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Inspirations from Hazelden app review: find comfort in words 2021



We all go through struggles at some point in our lives. Some of us struggle with addictions, some of us struggle with financial difficulties, and others struggle with relationship difficulties.

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Whatever you struggle with on a daily basis, it’s nice to have somewhere to turn to for a little perspective. Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery is a great iPhone meditation app for helping us put things in perspective so that we can successfully move forward with our lives.

This is a free meditation app and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. For more details on this good meditation app for iPhone and iPad, keep reading our Inspirations from Hazelden app review below.

Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery


Daily Meditations

It’s not easy dealing with our demons by ourselves. If you have a great network of friends and family to support you you’re one of the lucky ones; for others there are places you can turn.

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If you want a little support without having to deal with other people you will definitely want to give Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery a try. This app is full of inspirational and motivational quotes to get you through a tough time and it’s easy to use.

The one thing I noticed about this app is that it’s very spiritual: a lot of the inspirational quotes emphasize the power of God to get you through a crisis. If this isn’t your thing this app probably won’t be for you; although having said that, the material still offers sound advice in most cases.

There are no instructions within the app, but the description for the app in the App Store does contain instructions on how to use it. It would be nice if these instructions were placed within the app in an upgrade.

Daily Meditations image

How it Works

When you open the app you’ll be presented with a meditation of the day. If you want to view another you can simply swipe right to left on the screen.

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If you come across a quote that really inspires you, you can tap on the favorites icon in the top right corner to save it for later viewing. To view any of your favorites simply tap on the favorites icon in the menu bar at the bottom of the app.

The first time I used the app I found the font a little too small for my eyes but you can make the font larger by tapping on the icon on the far right of the bottom menu.

There are five different font sizes to choose from. You’ll also find an option on the bottom menu to email your favorite quotes to friends and family and you’ll find a search icon on the bottom menu. You can search for a specific term in this search bar and you’ll be given a list of quotes with that term in it.

Each quote also has a link to the book the quote was taken from. This is really a smooth app; I didn’t run into any glitches at all and there weren’t any ads, which is always refreshing.

How it Works image

Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery


Pros and Cons


  • Simple user interface
  • Ability to save your favorite quotes for later viewing
  • Five different font sizes
  • Ability to email quotes to friends and family


  • Instructions are only available in the App Store
  • Very spiritual which may not be appropriate for everyone

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

If you’re going through a rough time in your life and need an inspirational quote to lift you up then Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery is the perfect app to give you a little boost. It is very spiritual in nature so it’s not for everyone, but the words are uplifting no matter your personal beliefs.

Inspirations: Daily Meditations for People in Recovery

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.