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Debts Reminder app review: track all your debts easily



Lending money to friends and family always has the potential to be a nightmare. There are few other things in life with the power that money has to create a strain in a personal relationship. If you’re going to lend money to someone you have an intimate relationship with, it’s best to make sure you keep good records. The Debts Reminder app is designed to help you keep track of all your debts and all debts that others have with you. This app is available for purchase from the App Store at a cost of $0.99 and it’s compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

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Debts Reminder


Easy Debt Tracking

There are lots of money management apps available in the App Store but few of them have the refreshing simplicity that you’ll find in the Debts reminder app. This app was designed to simply track debts that others have with you and that you have with others and that’s it. Often developers try to over complicate things, but that’s not the case here. This app does one thing and it does it well.

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This app is also refreshing because it provides clear and concise instructions for how to use the app. When you run it for the first time it’s the first thing you see. This might not seem like anything special but there are far too many apps that fail to provide any instructions at all leaving you fumbling around trying to figure out how they work.  It’s actually quite a simple app to figure out anyway since they’ve kept things as simple as possible with this one. 

How it Works

Adding an item to the list of debts is simple. In the top right corner of the app is a + sign which you tap on to add an item. You’ll then be prompted to choose your currency: the only two included in the app are dollars and euros. If your currency is not one of these two you’ll have to choose other, which is the only real flaw in this app. It would be a good idea for them to offer more currency choices.

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After you choose your currency there are just a few simple questions to answer such as how much is the debt, do you owe or does someone else owe you, do you want to add a reminder, and do you want to include an interest rate. Once you’ve answered these questions you tap on the checkmark in the top right corner to save your item to the list and you’ll be returned to the main menu where you can see your new entry.

If you wish to change the terms of the debt it’s as simple as tapping on the item in your list and making the necessary changes. These new changes will then be reflected in the items information in the debt list. The layout is crisp and clean with clear columns of information and good use of white space to make it easy to read and understand. There is a settings section as well but this is mostly just to leave feedback with the developers or to share it with friends and family members.

Debts Reminder


Pros and Cons


  • Simple and intuitive layout
  • Clear instructions
  • You can add reminders
  • You have the option to include an interest rate if needed


  • Currency choices are limited to dollars and euros

Final Words

Debts Reminder is a simple little app that will let you easily keep track of debts. It’s easy to use and sticks to its basic function since there are no bells and whistles. If you’re looking for a good way to keep track of your debts you should definitely give this app a try.


Debts Reminder

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Cherry is a hard-working writer and an aspiring web designer who can't go a day without using her favorite apps. She's always on the lookout for new apps and enjoys discovering ones that others have overlooked.