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Human app review: improve your health by making sure you move for at least 30 minutes every day



If you would like to enhance your health and physical performance by becoming more active, this is a fantastic app which will enable you to track your movements throughout the day to ensure that you fit in at least 30 minutes of movement each day without fail.

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Far removed from the vast number of generic fitness tracker apps available in the App Store, Human works slightly differently in that its sole concern is simply to make sure that you’re moving for at least 30 minutes per day.

Human: Activity tracker - Walking, running, biking and Calorie tracking


Keep On Keeping On

As the name would suggest, the premise of this app is about as simple as can be: simply make sure that you move for at least 30 minutes each day!

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This is achieved by activating Human and then letting it sit in your bag or pocket while you go about your daily activities, and once you’ve hit your 30 minute goal, you’ll receive a notification giving you a big well done and a high five.

Registering with the service can be done via Facebook so it only takes a few seconds, and once you’re fully set up you can actually view historical records of your movements.

If you tap the icon in the top right-hand corner of the main screen you’ll be able to see information such as how active you’ve been this week and what your longest activity streak was.


Hold Yourself Accountable

Tapping the numbered circle in the center of the screen brings up a log of your recent activity, and I’m actually very impressed with the detail on this screen. It will display your current location on a map and enable you to specify the activity from a list including Transport, Biking, Walking, and even things like Yoga, Party, and Sleep

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You can also share your activity online from this screen via Facebook or Twitter, so if you’re feeling proud about getting in your daily 30 and improving your health, tell the world about your achievements!

This is a very nice looking app which runs smoothly and follows an extremely worthy purpose, so I think Human is a great place to start if you’re looking to start holding yourself accountable for improving your health and fitness.


Human: Activity tracker - Walking, running, biking and Calorie tracking


Pros and Cons


  • Track your daily movement to ensure you’re getting your 30 minutes each day
  • View historical records of your activities
  • View your individual activities and specify which action you performed within that time frame
  • Share your activities with others online via Facebook and Twitter



  • There is nothing negative to say about this app


Final Words

Sedentary lifestyles are one of the leading contributors so some of the nastiest and most common diseases.

From type II diabetes to cancer, living an inactive life will greatly increase your chances of contracting some awful health ailments so please consider using an app such as this to improve your health and fitness.

Human is quick to set up and easy to use, and definitely gets my approval and recommendation!

Human: Activity tracker - Walking, running, biking and Calorie tracking

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Mark is an opinionated writer who loves to review apps. In 2012, he started reviewing Apple apps on a regular basis and wonders how he survived up to that point without these apps.