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What BI Actually Means For Your Business

07 Dec 2018 Developer News
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Business Intelligence (BI) is a term that refers to all technologies, practices, and applications used in the collection, analysis, and presentation of business information. Business intelligence is a way to support decision making based on data. BI doesn’t just refer to the current views of business operations but also historical and predictive views. Today, there are many different software options that automate the BI process.

Now that you know the definition behind BI, it’s time to ask what it actually means for your business. We live in a data-driven age. Big data is revolutionizing the world of business as well of our personal lives. If you’re not willing to adapt to these changes, your business will be left behind. Let’s take a closer look at why you should use the power of BI for your business.


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Analyze Your Past Success


If you don’t know where you’ve been, you can’t make smart choices about your future. While many business owners adopt the mindset of “never looking back,” this is a bad move. How will you get to the next level if you don’t even know what level you’re currently on?


What were your past successes? What were your past failures? More importantly, what can you learn from these? When you analyze your past data, like your Python syslog from Loggly, you gain insight into the customer experience. You can understand if you’ve been providing a quality experience or if it’s time to make some changes. Creating data isn’t enough. You need to have a system for analyzing and understanding this data. Data scientists have built their entire careers around doing just that!


Lower Your Waste


We all could stand to cut some waste from our business processes. Whether you’re wasting time, money, or inventory, you need a comprehensive BI software to keep track of all of these moving parts. Being more efficient is everyone’s responsibility.


While all businesses across industries can benefit from creating a leaner system, this is especially vital for those in inventory-based businesses. When you’re handling the storing and selling of goods, you need to keep track of all of these products. It’s easy to have too much merchandise or too little if you’re not using a BI system. Stop spending more money than you need to and put BI to good use. It can literally save you money.

Discover Money-Making Opportunities


Not only can BI save you money, but it can also make you more money. If that’s not enough motivation to embrace this technology, nothing is. You need to learn how to get the most out of every single customer interaction whether your business is big or small. You might be missing out on opportunities to sell more. Storing customer data helps you learn more about your target market so you can create products and services that appeal to them.


Capitalizing on every insight is one of the main benefits of using BI. Up-selling and cross-selling opportunities won’t just materialize out of thin air. You have to bring them to life with data that shows everything you’ve been missing when it comes to your customers.


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Bring Metrics to All Teams

In this day and age, big data isn’t just for top executives and data scientists. Every team member in your organization can benefit from learning how to make the most of metrics. Learning how to read and understand data and apply this information to daily tasks will strengthen your team and lead to powerful decision-making skills. Don’t you want to empower your employees to make better decisions?

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