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CodeRED Mobile Alert app review: get emergency and weather alerts for your area



Living in a post 9-11 world everything has changed and we all have a small amount of paranoia in regards to emergencies in our area. CodeRED Mobile Alert give you up-to-date information, as it happens in your area, straight to your device.

If you need the feel of this sort of safety net, then this app could definitely ease your fears with up-to-date information of any emergencies within your area.

CodeRED Mobile Alert


Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

The CodeRED Mobile Alert app works by utilizing your device's built-in GPS to locate where you are in the world and provides you with any emergency alerts, weather or otherwise, in your area. You can customize this to as close as within .01 mile radius of your location.

It works incredibly well, and the graphics from the maps to the type of emergency icons are well-rendered and easily distinguishable. The downside is, however, that even if you go into the legend, not all of the icon's meanings are listed. That being said, most of them are pretty easy to figure out.


Long-Term Alerts Come With a Price

I found little difficulty in using CodeRED Mobile; the only apparent issue is that every time you launch the app you have to resize the area of alerts you want. It would be much easier if you could save the radius size you want and the save function actually worked. Perhaps this could be only because of the 30-day free trial.

Yes, CodeRED is only free for 30 days. After that expires, it is $4.99 to get the full app for a year, but even if you refuse the upgrade you will still receive the weather alerts. The upgrade just removes the ads included in the apps interface. But really the ads don't seem to get in the way. With the upgrade you will also be able to save your preferred radial size for alerts.

CodeRED Mobile Alert


Pros and Cons


  • Provides you with emergency alerts, including weather
  • You can customize the map to as small .01 mile radius, maximum is 10
  • Its usage of the iOS GPS is seamlessly integrated
  • Map and graphics are easy to read and understand



  • Your selected radial choices don't save properly in the free trial period


Final Thoughts

I'm sure there are many of you out there who will find CodeRED Mobile app extremely helpful and useful. If you think this is something you would benefit from using I would definitely suggest it. However if you have a lot of news apps on your device and receive updates from them, in most cases you will receive any major emergency information anyway.


CodeRED Mobile Alert

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Matthew MacCallum

Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.