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Doc Scan app review: never use your scanner again



Doc Scan - Scanner to Scan PDF, Print, Fax, Email, and Upload to Cloud Storages iPhone and iPod touch app is very useful for scanning documents on the go. I use it to scan my business receipts as I prefer to have a digital file rather than a shoebox of faded receipts.

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Doc Scan - PDF Scanner Fax


Why It's Better Than a Photo

Doc Scan - Scanner to Scan PDF, Print, Fax, Email, and Upload to Cloud Storages is better than just taking a photo of the document, because the app takes into consideration the page curl, the wrinkles, the shadows it needs to remove, and so on. Rather than having a slightly wonky picture, the app removes the shadows and adjusts the page so that you are left with a crisp and easy-to-read image. From there it is converted into a PDF for sharing.

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What else can it do? The built-in photo app can do some editing, but this app lets you crop more precisely, rotate a tiny bit, and is more precise overall. Additionally, it detects the edges of the document to assist with getting that clear and sharp document, especially in low light.


No Scanner Nearyby? No Problem

With the help of Doc Scan - Scanner to Scan PDF, Print, Fax, Email, and Upload to Cloud Storages I no longer need to take my computer to the printer, plug it in, scan my documents, or whatever I've scanned, and move back to my work station. Now I just use my phone, import the receipts, client contracts, and so on into the program. I can save it as a multi-page PDF, which I was previously doing by adding images to MS Word and then printing with a PDF program.

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What I really like about this app is that I can add notes. I can draw an arrow to the "sign here" or I can insert a pop-up text box for my future reference. I can highlight, crop, and so on at any time. It is also possible to export to Dropbox, Evernote, Box, SkyDrive, Google Drive with OCR, or WebDAV server if you want to upgrade to the Pro version for $1.99.


Doc Scan - PDF Scanner Fax


Pros & Cons


  • Very versatile including the above list of export options and a fax option as well
  • Page edge recognition is great for getting a nice crisp page curl removed image
  • Comes out looking like a professional document rather than a photo



  • To access the fax and export options you must upgrade to pro for $1.99


Final Thoughts

Doc Scan - Scanner to Scan PDF, Print, Fax, Email, and Upload to Cloud Storages is a great iPhone and iPod touch productivity app. It has cut down on my scanning time by hours simply by not having to rearrange my husband’s work station to get my computer over to the scanner. It is also nice to not have to dig out the scanner; all I have to do is take a few snap shots, edit and save my receipts and other documents. This is a great app.


Doc Scan - PDF Scanner Fax

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