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monthly app review: create a user-friendly budget and save money



What's the easiest way to save money? Well that is a pretty simple answer really, and that's to make a realistic budget and stick to it. This monthly budgeting app can help you with just that so you can get on your way to saving for that dream trip, a new car, or just save money to pay off some bills. This is meant to be a very user-friendly way to create a budget that tracks your expenses and income and there is no experience with budgeting required before using it.

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monthly - budget planner w/ 1-SWIPE expense tracker


A Money-Saving Tool

Think of this app as a money saving tool that can help get your finances in better order and get you on track to reaching your financial goals. It doesn’t matter what your reason is for saving money; the fact is, unless you’re willing to create a realistic budget that you can stick to you will be passing up the opportunity to save more than you thought possible. With this app you'll be able to view your budget in one quick glance viewing your income and expenses to give you a complete picture.

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It actually encourages you to plan in advance rather than taking a look at where you stand at the end of the month after all your expenses and spending. The idea is that you clearly see how much you can spend and on what items so you also know how much should be saved in that month. By doing this you could even transfer that specified savings amount into your account at the beginning of the month before it gets spent. The app requires iOS 7.0 or later to use and currently has 4.5 out of five stars from users. It seems this is proving to be quite the handy tool for people.

A Money-Saving Tool image

Setting up Your Budget

As mentioned the idea is that you plan in advance. For many people you spend through the month and then at the end you wish you had money to put into savings. The problem is that unless you clearly see how much you can be spending and on what there is a good chance you won't have any money left at the end of the month.

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All you have to do is enter in your income and expenses then the app is able to calculate how much can be transferred to your savings account. It's just that quick and easy. As time goes on and you see your savings grow each month it will encourage you to stay on track to reaching your goals.

Setting up Your Budget image

monthly - budget planner w/ 1-SWIPE expense tracker


Pros and Cons


  • Encourages you to plan your finances in advance
  • Input all your income and expenses and allow the app to calculate what you can save
  • A simple and clean user interface
  • Very easy to use


  • This may be too simple of an approach for some users

Pros and Cons image

Final Words

The monthly app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone is a beautiful and streamlined offering that makes budgeting a breeze.

monthly - budget planner w/ 1-SWIPE expense tracker

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