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Simplenote app review: a worthy condender in the note-taking app game 2021



Simplenote is a notes app for the iPhone and iPad  that helps you keep your notes. It;s a very simple iPad and iPhone app for note taking.

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Just Open it, create it, write it, and you're done. If you need to share it, then there are easy-to-use in-app functions for that too.

Keep reading our SimpleNote app review to find out more details about this good note taking app for iPhone.



What Will It Do For Me?

Simplenote is an easy-to-use and intuitive app for keeping your notes. One of the first things I set up on any new device is a note-taking app. I need a place to jot things down to keep my ideas organized, and the Google Notes app doesn’t cut it.

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I mean it works for some, it saves notes, but it only just got the search function. That’s a huge deal to me because the notes are not in the proper order, but instead in order by date.

Simplenote runs much the same way. When you begin a new note, it will appear at the top of the list. It does, however, have a tags option, and the option to sort alphabetically, turn on a passcode, and condense the note list.

As I touched on above, Simplenote runs much like Google Notes but there are additional features. I like having my notes sorted in alphabetical order, because tip of tongue will give be the first syllable, but not always the full word. When you go to alphabetical you can scroll to the letter you need. That’s a game changer for me.

What Will It Do For Me? image

Sharing and More

Simplenote allows you to share your notes. This is a big deal when you’re collaborating because you don’t have to copy and paste into an email. While we’re on that topic, you can invite other Simplenote users to collaborate on notes.

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Click the button, find your colleague, and you’re set. Additionally, there is a word count. There are many reasons for needing a word count and I appreciate that this is front and center when you need it.

The last feature I want to mention is the publish option. If you need to share the note but want to publish it more like a blog or website, the app will publish it on their site with a tiny url.

Now as far as ease of use, this is an intuitive app that allows you to tap the add and go. If it’s the most important note you have, you can pin it to the top. You can also access the history from creation to editing to current version. The app even allows you to read through previous edits. That’s pretty cool.

Sharing and More image



Pros & Cons


  • Free
  • Secure account
  • Many additional features
  • Restore previous edits
  • Tags to help sort
  • Search feature
  • Alphabetical or date added


  • None found

Pros & Cons image

Final Thoughts

Simplenote is an iPad and iPhone note taking app that will help you keep your ideas organized. You can add collaborators, restore previous edits, and so much more!

I have a note-taking app that I love and have used for years, so it’s pretty hard to impress me, but Simplenote managed. A worthy contender in the note-taking app game.


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