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@Draw app review: illustrate with ease



The @Draw app is all about letting your inner artist shine and giving yourself complete creative freedom. This app makes sketching and drawing simple and you can even use it to edit your photos if you want. While there are plenty of drawing apps available this one has a number of features that help it stand out from the rest.

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No Need to Feel Intimidated

When you first take a look at the feature list for this app you may feel a bit intimated as it is able to do quite a bit. Don't worry, because everything about this app is easy, fun, and quick. As an added bonus everything you create can be saved, published, and even shared with friends and family.

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There are plenty of brush types to choose from so you can get the exact look that you're going for. Choose your opacity, size, and other variations, and once you've found what you like you are ready to begin. The colors available seem almost endless and there is a color picker that you can use to find just the exact shade. If you'd rather, use a pipette to choose colors right from a picture. As a handy added feature the app keeps a list of your recently used colors.

As you work on your drawing keep in mind you can always undo and redo your traces and actions, perfect when you're trying to make your picture look just right.


Too Simple?

I must say that the app is indeed simple to use but the question is whether or not it’s too simple? There are a number of times I will want to perform a function only to have a pop-up appear telling me I need to purchase the full version in order to access that feature.

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While drawing with your finger the app is definitely intuitive so in that sense it does a great job. The undo and redo button come in pretty handy but I find the eraser tool a bit disappointing. I find it doesn’t do a great job.

Another cool feature is the ability to import your photos and then edit them, which is pretty fun and creative. Share all your masterpieces on Facebook, Twitter, or by email. You also have the option to save the drawing to your Camera Roll.




Pros and Cons


  • User-friendly
  • Intuitive drawing tools
  • The ability to save your drawings to your Camera Roll and share by email, Twitter, and Facebook
  • An undo and redo button
  • The ability to import photos and edit them



  • Some features are only available in the full version
  • There are ads in this version
  • The eraser tool isn’t great


Final Thoughts

The @Draw app is an intuitive and fun way to illustrate thoughts, idea, and artwork. I like that you can share your work in so many different ways and the app itself is easy to use. I do wish there were a few more options where the drawing tools and features are concerned.



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