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LiquidPlanner app review: your own personal planner



Wouldn't it be nice to have a personal planning assistant to help with project management? Well that's what the LiquidPlanner app can provide for you when you use it on your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. This app is meant to be used as a project and task manager so that you can ensure that everything that needs to be done gets done. Use it to schedule, share documents, track, and even for analytics. It's all built into one convenient offering. It should be noted that this app requires that you have a LiquidPlanner account as this is the mobile.

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LiquidPlanner - Project Management, Scheduling, Collaboration


Always Be Productive and Well-Managed

This app was created to help you be as productive as possible and of course well-managed when it comes to document sharing, tracking, scheduling, and analytics. This is meant to be used as a business tool by team members and managers. As mentioned you need a LiquidPlanner account to use it as the mobile app is supposed to "compliment the online service" and bring you the tools you and your team needs on your mobile device.

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LiquidPlanner has recently had a pretty extensive update that addressed all kinds of issues. The update made some bug fixes, added new features and tools, and offers support for many more functions. Because of this update the app has increased its customer rating to three out of five stars. Many of the customer comments are asking for more tools and features and the recent update seems to have addressed a number of these wants.


Keep the whole team on track
Keep the whole team on track

Why Use This App

Keep in mind once again this isn't a stand-alone product; rather, it should be used in conjunction with your LiquidPlanner online account. You really need to have both in order to take full advantage of the program. This app is ideal for time tracking which can then be used for reporting and billing by any and all team members. In fact, team members can log their time right through the app and then submit their weekly timesheets to their manager. The app allows a shared system of information so documents can be shared and commented on. This can be especially handy if you aren't in the same building as one another or work out in the field a lot.

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Additionally the app can be used for organization and scheduling of projects and tasks, you can plan and coordinate with the entire team, and there is real-time reporting and analytics.


Track your hours and submit a timesheet
Track your hours and submit a timesheet

LiquidPlanner - Project Management, Scheduling, Collaboration


Pros and Cons


  • Features planning, scheduling, reporting, and organization tools
  • Is meant to compliment the LiquidPlanner online software program and works with your online account
  • Is meant to be used by managers and team members
  • Is very user-friendly



  • This is not a stand-alone product
  • Users are asking for more features and tools


LiquidPlanner screenshot
LiquidPlanner screenshot

Final Thoughts

The LiquidPlanner app for your iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone seems like a natural option for those with existing LiquidPlanner online accounts. This is a great way to help team members and managers stay in the loop in a mobile way.


LiquidPlanner - Project Management, Scheduling, Collaboration

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